17 | glister

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A 100%, again. Wow.

You can't believe the past weeks have been this nice. Life finally seems like it's in your favour.

You have excellent grades (and even good ones in English), you're spending much needed time with your friends, and your dating life is going well.

Soobin and you are hitting it off well; the dates are fun, he thinks about you, and you spend quite a bit of time together to get to know each other. Nothing much has happened yet. Sure, you two are hitting it off and going on dates, but it's not official yet. But you don't mind, you're fine taking it slow.

"Hey, Riles!" Robin says as she takes a seat next to you in the cafetaria. She places her sandwich down on the table and titles her head. "What's up? You seem happy!"

You chuckle, "I was thinking that my grades are going the right way. I just saw that got another 100% on our last assignment."

"Ah, that's awesome! I got 95% because of some stupid mistake in the editing," she says as she sighs deeply. "It was in the beginning of the video, too! I must have misclicked something at the end. It looked really stupid and also unprofessional."

"That sucks," you reply, taking your homemade egg onigiri from your bento box and taking a bite. "At least he didn't take off that much of your grade," you continue with your mouth stuffed, making Robin frown.

"Yeah, that's true. I'm glad I still got a high grade. I saw that Yuki got a 40%. Her film was really bad. It wasn't even finished!"

"Oh, that's bad."

The two of you continue to talk while you eat your lunches, waiting on the other girls to join you two.

"We're here! Sorry it took so long, Alaska needed to buy more food," Mya says as she plops down in the spot opposite of you.

Alaska takes place on your other side and shrugs, "Yeah, but, Riles texted me for more food so I had to go anyway," she answers as she passes you some of your snacks.

You smile. "Yay! Thanks."

Mya rolls her eyes and takes out her lunch. At that moment, Jisoo, Renee and Lanhua join you all too. And not even five minutes later, Mari and Minjoo join as well.

"Did you guys decide on an outfit for Jimin's Halloween party yet?" Mari asks, looking around the table of people.

Robin nods, "I think I'll go as Robin Hood."

"Original," Lanhua says with a snicker, making Robin roll her eyes at her.

"Shut up. It would be the only logical thing to do!"

"You could go as Robin from Batman," Minjoo says, joining in on the conversation. "His name is Robin too."

"Why are all Robins guys?" the girl with said name says with a groan. "It's unfair!"

"Just go as Robin Hood, it's fine," Jisoo replies, nodding. "Didn't you and Jungkook pick clothes together?"

She shakes her head, "We were supposed to but he cancelled because of some school assignment. He already got his costume now, though. He's going as Captain Hook. So, if any of you wants to match with him, you should go as Tinkerbell."

"Oh, Tinkerbell is so cute!" Mya says, nodding. "Why don't you go as Tinkerbell, Mari? Green suits you!" she continues.

Mari shakes her head. "I already bought a costume. I'm going as Suna."

𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 彡 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon