13 | scintillation

416 21 119


You feel strange.

You're not sure what you're feeling, but thinking about what happened yesterday... It makes you feel strange. Chris was so different and you can't wrap your head around it.

He was nice. He was so incredibly nice to you, that you have no idea what he means by that. Does he want to be nice? Or is he just nice? Or is it because he doesn't want to go to English classes anymore?

Whatever it is, it's strange. And it's making you feel strange.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Alaska frowns as she sees you sitting at the picknick table, staring in the distance with a Starbucks sandwich in your hand, and an iced caramel macchiato sitting on the table. She places her books down on the table and takes a seat next to you. "You're staring in the distance."

You get snapped out of your thoughts and turn your head to your friend, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

She rolls her eyes, "I doubt. What's on your mind?"

"I'm fine! I tell you, I'm okay. I was just lost in thought."

"Whenever Riles says she's okay she's never okay. So, what's up? You don't get us fooled," another voice says. Mya arrives at the same picknick table you and Laska are seated at. She places her bag on the bench of the picknick table and takes a seat opposite of you and Alaska.

You look at Mya and roll your eyes, "I am fine! Why don't you guys believe me?"

"Last time you said you were fine you were failing your English classes and you got told that you had to stay behind a year, which isn't fine. So, is it really that hard to just tell us?? We're your best friends! I always tell you what's on my mind!"

"Okay, that's bullshit," Laska chimes in. "Not the first part, I am with you on that. But you never tell us what's going on with you either."

Mya sighs, "Okay maybe not all the time... Listen! I will tell you what's up with me when you tell me what's up with you, Riles?"

You scoff, "There's nothing going on with me, I'm fine."

"So this weekend was fine? You studied a lot, and nothing happened?" Alaska asks.

"Oh! I want to know all the tea!" Mya yells, making others around her turn their head to your table. She ducks away a little. "Sorry, that was a little too loud. Embarrassing..."

You laugh, "Ha, idiot."

"C'mon, Riles. There must be something going on because you let your iced coffee warm up so the ice cubes are all melted and you hate that. Now your coffee is watered down and you like your coffee strong."

You look in front of you and see your coffee. The ice cubes are melted, your caramel macchiato being ruined. You groan, "No way! Fuck me, now my coffee is ruined," you mumble, taking a sip and grimacing. "Yeah, that's bad. I need a new one."

You stand up, but Alaska takes your arm and yanks you down. You gasp, "Ouch? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"We could ask you the same thing! Come on, we're your friends! What's going on?"

Mya nods, taking a sip from her way too sweet coffee-ish drink that she got moments before. Something with chocolate and cookies.

You sigh and lean your head in your hands. You place your sandwich down, "It's Chris."

"Oh my gosh, do you like him?!" Mya asks, gasping. "I knew you liked him!"

You look up with a big frown, "What the hell?? No! I do not like him at all!" you say in defence. Why would they even think that you might like him? He's not your type at all! Even his friends are more your types, and you don't like them either. Changbin for example, you might even be more into him than that you're into Chris!

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