11 | brilliance

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The past days weren't even that bad, you have to admit.

Sure, having a tutor session every day gets boring. And you also didn't want to spend time with Chris after your classes every day, but you expected these days to be worse. The days you did spend with him, you had an okay time. The guy brought you snacks, took you on small walks, and taught you a fair amount of English. Only you're not sure if it's enough.

You still make a lot of mistakes, and the test is in three days. On Wednesday you have to take the test and the Friday after you'll know if you passed or not. It's only today, tomorrow, and then Tuesday left for you to learn enough about English so you can pass. But... You still make an awful amount of mistakes.

No idea how you do it, but it's never good. There's so many red marks on the paper, it's hurting you emotionally. Will there ever be a day that you'll be okay at English? It shouldn't even be this hard, but still it feels like it's the hardest thing. For some reason English doesn't come easy to you. You can solve mathematical problems easily, you read the question and can solve the problem with no issue. But read, write, and answer questions in English? Those seem to be hard for you. No matter what you do, you don't understand the grammar or what they're trying to say.

It never stops with the red marks, and you're sure you're going to fail.

Chris places the sheet down with a sigh. "You've got fifteen out of fourty. I mean, it's almost half that you got right, but it's not yet a passing grade. You have to study harder and get more right, Riley."

You fall onto his bed with a sigh, looking at the ceiling in defeat. The tears are brimming in the corner of your eyes and you have to use every power that's left in you not to cry and break down in front of Bang Chan.

"I can't ever learn English properly," you mumble, biting your lip so you won't break down. "I'm a failure, Chris."

The male is shocked by your words, his heart breaking a little as he hears in what state your voice is. He's not going to make a comment about it, because it'll only make things worse. And he's sensing that won't do any good right now.

"You're not a failure, Rye. There's many things you're good at, it's just not English. You'll be fine, we just got to work hard on your skills the following days. We still have time. There's two days left and we have today, it's not the end," he says, looking over the paper and scanning the words to see what you're doing wrong and how he can improve your skills.

"And you have to remember that not everyone can be good at everything," Chris says, then looking at you from the chair he's sitting at.

You scoff, the feeling of annoyance taking over your body. "Oh, fuck off. You're perfect, Chris. You have good looks, quick fingers, you're smart, talented, social... You can play like five instruments, you can sing, you can dance, you can rap and produce, you can write songs... You're social, charming... And everyone loves you! There is literally nothing that you're not good at. You have everything! And then there's me, I can't even form an English sentence normally," you spit out, throwing your arms in the air to prove your point.

Chris sighs at your words. He stands up from his chair, standing in front of his bed. He falls down on his bed as well, even though you might hate it. He's now lying down next to you as he looks at the ceiling as well.

"That might be what you're thinking, and what others are thinking, but I'm not good in many things."

You scoff at his words and laugh sarcastically, "Like what? You're not good at what, rock climbing or something? Who cares about that, that's just a minor detail."

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