15 | illumination

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"I can't look, I'm scared."

It has been two days since you made the test. On Wednesday you took it, and now it's time for the results. Mr. Kim was fast, he wanted to get the results back as soon as possible.

You're scared that you didn't pass. You won't be surprised if you failed yet again, because you seem to fail quite easily when it comes to English.

You're sitting with your friends in your, Robin, and Minjoo's dorm. All other girls have gathered to be there with you to see if you passed or not. And because you wanted to hang out, that too.

Mya and Alaska (mostly Mya) were scared that you were mad at them for the conversation you had a couple days back, but you assured them that you know they were just looking out for you. You chose to ignore everything they said that day, as it isn't true in your opinion. But friends can have different opinions and still be good. You were just too stressed out to have a talk with them on Monday, so you walked away. But you guys are all good now. Like you'll always be.

Robin laughs, "You'll do fine, I promise!" she brings out, nodding her head repeatedly. "If I can score a date with the Lee Minho, then you can easily pass your English test."

"How did you do that?" Renee asks, frowning.

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing! How did you manage to score a date with Minho?" Mari asks, her being just as confused as Renee is.

"Like I said, consistency is key. I kept asking him out and one time he just gave in. We're watching a movie in his dorm tonight! Right, his dorm! And Seungmin, Jeongin, and Felix are out so you know what that means," she says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh, gross," Minjoo mumbles, shaking her head and turning towards you. "You and Minho might be the weirdest couple I've ever seen."

"Eh, rude?" she asks, frowning. "Why are we weird? Riles, you don't think we're weird too, do you?"

"Hey, keep me out of this conversation!"

"Just answer! I need to know," she asks, pleading eyes as she looks at you. "Please, you have to think that me and Minho are a cute couple!"

You roll your eyes, "I mean, you and him are both weird so it only fits."

"Right!" she says, then sticking her tongue out at Minjoo. "Riley supports us."

"That's literally what I meant by 'you guys are a weird couple'. You're both weird."

She gasps, "Rude! Ugh, Jisoo! They're being mean to me!"

Jisoo groans as Robin wraps her body around the younger female, her rolling her eyes at her friend. "How are you older than me?"

"We've been trying to figure that out too," Minjoo says, then turning to Robin. "How come his dorm mates are out? Is there some event I don't know about?"

"I don't know, why? You want to stalk them or whatever?" Robin asks, sitting up. "Ohh, do you have a crush?"

"No way," Minjoo says, rolling her eyes yet again. "If there's an event, I might want to go. I have nothing else to do."

"Oh, right. Minho mentioned they were going to the mall but I don't know why. He didn't want to go. He said that's why he had time to watch a movie with me. But really, I think he actually wanted to anyway, and not just because the other three were going out."

"Keep on dreaming," Laska says, laughing. She turns to Mya. "Shall we go to the mall too? I heard some hot guys are wandering around there."

Mya blushes, "Right. Sounds like a good plan."

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