12 | moonlight

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You look out of the window while munching on your fries. Chan often moves his head to look at you, but you try to ignore the fact that he does that. He has no reason to do so.

It was a short drive to the Mc Donald's. Luckily for you the restaurant isn't so far away from campus. But now that you've got your food -which you paid for this time by the way- Chris is driving somewhere because apparently he has to show you something. You're wondering what that could be.

You finish your fries and grab the iced frappe caramel from the cup holder, taking a sip and looking out of the front window.

"Where are you even taking me?"

Chan smiles softly, "You'll see," he says, taking a turn and parking his car. You frown. Is he gonna murder you? This seems sketchy as hell.

"Come on," he says, getting out of the car and shutting it. He walks towards the trees, going up a small hill, and you quickly get out of the car to run after him, the sleeve of his zip up hoodie waving as you run through the wind.

You catch up with Chris quickly. He's standing in an open field. Next to that open field on your right, there's a small lake, many trees gathered around it and shutting it off for people to see when they drive by on the road.

"Why did you take me here?" you ask in a whisper. Even though there's nobody around, you feel like you have to. It's just you and him but... It feels so peaceful. There's nobody around. There is no reason to scream.

"Because of this."

Chris plops down on the ground and lies down on his back, looking up at the sky. You look up and see the moonlight.

Oh. That's why you're there.

Did he really notice?

Chan pats on the grass next to him. "Come watch the moon with me, Rye."

You slowly walk towards him, your heart beating fast. He did this for you. Chan drove here all the way to show you this place, just so you can watch the moon.

You lie down next to him and look at the sky. Your coffee is next to you on the ground. You place your hands on your stomach and sigh, taking in the beautiful sight of the moon lightning up the sky.

"Can you explain why you brought me here, Chris?"

He chuckles. "I noticed you look at the sky quite a lot when we were taking walks at night, so I guessed you must like the starry night. But when I saw where you were looking, I noticed it was the moon you were looking at. Then I remembered this place I found one night while... Uh... Driving, yeah. I thought... I just thought you might enjoy it. I was hoping it would make you relax a bit since your finals are soon. Maybe you could think of this sight while you take the test and relax, or something," he explains, sighing shortly. "I don't know. Maybe it's stupid."

You feel your body getting warmer. You shake your head. "No, no... It's beautiful," you say, taking in the sight of the moon and the stars around it. There's no tree in sight, nothing but the night sky and the moon. You wish you could take a picture, but a camera couldn't take the sight as it is now.

It's too perfect.

"Thank you," you whisper, taking in the sight. A huge smile appears on your face as you take in every part of the sky. The moon, the stars, and the few clouds that move along the sky. It's truly beautiful.

Chan sighs, closing his eyes a little. "It's no problem. I just hope it helps you pass."

"I'm sure it will," you mumble.

You and Chris lie down on the grass for a little while longer until you feel some sort of wave of energy flow through you. You stand up from the ground, take your coffee, and look at Chan who sits up and leans on his elbows to look at you.

"What are you doing?"

"I feel energetic!" you say, spreading your arms and closing your eyes to moving your head to the sky. You chuckle and start to spin around and around, your coffee in your left hand, and Chan's zip up hoodie moving because of the air flowing through it as you have it unzipped.

Chris smiles as he watches you spin around on the open field, giggles coming from your lips. It's endearing to him.

He sighs, the thoughts of you never wanting to be with him filling his mind. Even though he's doing everything to show you that he cares, that he's there for you, and that he wants to spend time with you... You want nothing of it. You don't even get it, and you may never will.

Chris tries his best to make you realize he isn't some stuck up prick, that he isn't flirting with everyone but you. The one he wants is you, but you don't realize that. Instead you think he hates you. But truly? He's in love. He doesn't hate you. Heck, he couldn't hate you even if he tried. He's head over heels for you and you have no idea.

He does these little things to show you he cares. He remembers your order at the café and buys you coffee once in a while. He sees how surprised you are, but you never notice it's because he likes or cares about you. He also watches you in the snack isle at the convenience store as he buys you snacks, remembering every snack you ever bought to make a mental note to have that in his room the next time you come over. He notices everything about you and yet... Yet you don't realize it's because he likes you.

The way he watches you as you two walk towards the store, your hands in your pockets and your eyes wandering to the sky to look at the moon. He also notices how you bite your lip every time you try to concentrate and listen to him talk. Oh how much he just wants to bend forwards instead and capture your lips with his for a sweet kiss.

Not only that, he also sees how you draw little doodles on the paper next to the questions. You do it every time you hand in one of the practice sheets. There's little cats, sometimes dogs, and flowers and smileys you draw. Sometimes he catches you drawing memes. It's not needed, but to him it's cute you do that. He wonders if you do it on official finals too... He notices loads of those things and he finds them endearing.

But yet, even though Chris thinks you're the most endearing and most gorgeous girl ever... You also make him mad.

It makes him mad how much you despise him, how much you let him know that you hate him. All he does is be nice to you, and what does he get in return? Snarky comments and annoyed looks, that's what he gets in returns. He helps you out with your 5 Seconds of Summer tickets? You bitch to him about it. He helps you study for your English finals? You give him a hard time and hardly ever do your best... It's irritating him. You drive him crazy.

And yet... Even if you're the absolute worst towards him, he can't help it but still like you. Even though you say the most nasty and rude things towards him, he still can't stop the warm feeling he has when he looks at you.

His eyes wander to your form. You chuckle and stop spinning arond, your eyes landing on his with a smile. Your hair is a mess, but it's a cute mess. Just like you are as a whole.

"Come on!" you say, running to him and grabbing his hand in yours. You start running, taking him with you.

He watches as you laugh and run in the moonlight, your hand intertwined with his, and a coffee in your other hand...

It's the most beautiful sight he has ever seen.

A sad sigh escapes his lips. You're so caught up in your own world that you don't notice the signs he gives you, you don't notice the flirting and the gestures. And yet Chan can't stop them, even if you ignore every single one of them.

And he knows. He knows that in the end you and him will never be together.

But for now, he just wants you to show him the way again.


author's note~

damn university is so busy this year that i haven't written chapters in days :((( but here's an update anyway <3 hashtag name drop

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