Author's Note

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Guess what? It's another Winx Club Rewrite. As a quick heads up, this will completely divert from canon*

I want to preface by explaining the background of how this fic came to be. It originally started out as a Fate: The Winx Saga rewrite back in 2021. Watching how poorly the show was done, made me remember how much I adore these characters. I had been working on this on and off again, but never fully committed to seeing it through until now. As I've been doing research on the series, I realized I wanted to rewrite the entire thing, so a few things I'd like to note for further context.

1. This fic will pull elements from all forms of Winx media: Winx Club (Original), Winx Club (Comic), and Fate: The Winx Saga (TV).

2. I grew up watching multiple different versions of Winx club since I first watched it while I was abroad and living with my Grandmother, but transitioned to watching it on Nickelodeon when I was back in the States. I have not sat down and rewatched the entirety of the show, so much of my knowledge comes from refreshing my brain using the Wiki and whatever I remember.

3. I haven't watched anything past parts of Season 6, so I most likely will not be adding anything that has come after that such as WOW.

4. This will go into a lot of details for all of the main Winx Club members and the Specialist, so there's quite a bit of OC creation due to some of the gaps in the source material.

5. All of the main characters are 18+, I just can't relate to 16 y/o High Schoolers anymore.

6. This is written in third-person limited POV, but it's going to switch from person to person. I'll try my best to be very clear who's POV it is.

7. Not really sure how long this will take me to complete, but I am hoping to have Season 1 done by the end of the year. Since I'm a college student and just beginning on my career, I can't promise an exact upload schedule, but I would like to try to aim around 2-3 times a month at the minimum.

You can also check out my tumblr for some more worldbuilding: revensdefenseattorney

That's pretty much all I have for now. If all of this is cool with you, then I hope you enjoy.

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