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Earth | Gardenia, California


"Ms. Peters?"

Bloom snapped back to reality, Mr. Smith's voice jolting her from her daydream. She made her way to the board, the class's eyes following her as she walked. These impromptu quizzes, where the teacher made an example out of her, had become a familiar routine.

She struggled to decipher the math problem, her mind wandering to distant thoughts that never seemed to abide by classroom rules. With a heavy sigh, she admitted defeat. Today, her thoughts had strayed far from the classroom.

"Sorry, Mr. Smith. I wasn't paying attention."

The classroom buzzed with hushed laughter and whispers, but Bloom had grown a thick skin to their taunts.

"Ms. Peters, see me after class. You may return to your seat. Now, who would like to explain how to solve the problem?"

Relief washed over Bloom as she reclaimed her seat. Her gaze fell on the birds flying freely across the vast blue sky. She was jealous of their freedom, and wondered how insignificant everything must've looked from the bird's view. Her parents had sacrificed so much to secure her place in this prestigious school, yet she still felt like an outsider, yearning for a reality beyond Gardenia's walls.

The bell chimed, a melody that marked her release. Bag slung over her shoulder, she approached Mr. Smith's desk.

"You wanted to see me?"

Mr. Smith, organizing papers, turned his gaze toward her.

"Ms. Peters, I can't shake the feeling that you're wasting your potential. You struggle to focus in my class."

His words echoed those of countless other teachers, each striving to unlock a potential she doubted existed.

"I'm just another student biding their time until graduation. You won't have to worry about seeing me here much longer, Mr. Smith."

Arms folded, he shook his head.

"Bloom, running away won't help. I believe in you, not just as your teacher, but as someone who sees your potential beyond this school. I've seen your work with the school newspaper. You've got a gift."

Bloom felt a bit bashful towards his compliment. "It's just something I put together. It's not like anyone else reads it anyways."

Mr. Smith reached into his pocket and took out his wallet, retrieving a card from within its folds.

"My sister is a Senior Journalist at a newspaper publication firm. She's in need of an assistant, and looking for someone with your kind of talent Bloom. It won't hurt to just try reaching out to her."

He stretched out his arm, offering the card to her. Bloom hesitated for a moment, before accepting the card tracing her finger over the lettering.

"Thank you sir." She turned her attention back to him and thanked him while placing the card in her bag.

"No problem. I'll see you in class on Monday." He offered her a soft smile of reassurance. His unwavering faith in her puzzled Bloom as she headed for the door.

Exiting the classroom, she drifted through the school's corridors, feeling increasingly detached from it all. Bloom made her way to her locker to grab her remaining textbooks. Just as she placed the last book within her bag, someone closed her locker before her. Bloom's attention fell on Mitzi, the number one thing she wouldn't be missing about this place.

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