Oliver Thomas Part 2

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Will and I became closer over the course of a few weeks. As if he knew my plans to kill both him and his boyfriend, our plans were always foiled when he decided to hang out with me. 

"Will, is everything okay?" I asked him one day out of curiosity. Since Amy passed away, he entrusted me with his secrets and time. "We just haven't been able to talk or hang out recently. If this is about Amy-"

"Partially, I guess," Will admitted, anxiety flooding over his expression. "I'm sorry, Oliver. My boyfriend is really stressing me out. His sister got into a big accident and is acting like a control freak. I hope you understand."

"Oh." I gritted my teeth absentmindedly. "This is about your boyfriend. Everything's okay, then. I know you love him."

Nico Di Angelo was Will's boyfriend. Not only did I hate gays and especially Will's relationship, I hated the fact that I couldn't get near enough to kill my main target. Not that I had a deadline, but I wanted to move on fast and see his blood between my fingers. 

"I do." Will grinned, his face blushing red as he stared at the ground lovingly. "I really do, Oliver. I'm so happy you support us."

"Why wouldn't I?" I chortled humorlessly, smacking at my thigh. "You guys are adorable."

Nico wanted to kill me, I was sure of it. He took away all of Will's time and hated my very existence. I couldn't figure out if he was on to me or not.

"Thank you so much for everything," Will thanked me, shaking my hand while running off towards his locker. "Nico and I are visiting his sister over break. See you on Monday!"

I waved back benevolently, the fake smile plastered against my cheeks. "See you later, Will."

As I turned away from the doors, hatred flooding over my composure. Usually, my cases lasted just a few days. In Will's case, three weeks of planning and trial and error had been recorded. 

Day one usually happened to be my data/researching day. Stalking the internet for them, searching social media, hacking into their computers, and finding a safe way to wiggle into their trust circle. 

Day two was revolving my schedule around theirs. Based on the amount of research I conducted, I could usually find my target out in public. After that, the ship sailed from there. If my target wasn't dead on day two, day three would do the trick. 

My plan never failed, until I glanced face-to-face with the ever-so-stubborn William Solace. The guy had no social media and barely used his phone. He didn't even have a google account outside of school, which he didn't advertise. 

Argh, I thought to myself maliciously, Why can't you just let me kill you?

Alas, I knew my life as a serial killer would never be that easy. After all, my strategies weren't going to work on every person, right?

While Will was out of state, I decided to let loose for a while. Murdering rampages weren't common in my career, but my current target was making me bored. 

I grabbed the hidden pistol in my notebook, ready to cause trouble outside of my city. While the cats away, the mice will play. 

Twenty people dead in one shooting. It was like the saying: Kill two birds with one stone. In my case, I killed twenty with just a few shots. That was the magic of human shields. They really didn't penetrate a good enough barrier against my utmost insanity. 

Reporters rushed to the scene of the murder while I sat at home, watching it with worried eyes. It was all for show, of course. My mother had guests over. 

"Oliver, sweetie, can you please change the channel?" My mother requested, gesturing towards her friend's young kids eyeing the television channel with pure horror. 

"Oh, yeah!" I quickly turned on childish cartoons I had no interest in just for the kids. "I'm going to my room. All those murders is really messing with my head."

"I bet," Her friend commented, taking a swig of red wine. "It's good to know my kids and you are still alive after all those children have passed away."

I nodded solemnly. "I pray for your children's' safety, ma'am. Yours too."

She glanced back at my mother, smiling. "Your kid is such an angel."

As I walked back to my bedroom, I could only think of two words. 

As if.

The following Monday, Will and Nico returned from San Francisco amidst the chaos. Students dropped out left and right or moved away from the entire state completely to avoid the next mass murder. Omaha was becoming a rancid place slowly but surely thanks to me. 

"Oliver!" Will called my name timidly from behind me as I walked towards my English class. I turned to face him, wearing a saddened look. "Did you hear?"

I nodded grimly, letting out a long sigh. "Every death reminded me of poor Amy. My parents aren't in a good financial state to move away at the moment, but I want to leave this place behind."

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about," Will panted, kneeling over to catch his breath. "The second Nico and I heard about the mass murder, my mother withdrew us from the school. We're packing up and leaving tonight."

My jaw dropped. He'd be the first target I never got the chance to kill. 

"You're leaving?" I whimpered, sagging my shoulders. "But-But!"

"I know," Will sighed anxiously twiddling his thumbs near his waist. "We just don't feel safe here. Maybe, when the crimes stop, we can hang out again. How does that sound?" 

"Yeah, that sounds fun," I agreed, smiling shortly. "Can I see you guys off tonight? I'd really like to say goodbye."

"Of course!"

Nico and Will had already loaded everything into a moving truck when I arrived, holding my gun inside my jacket pocket just in case. I couldn't ruin my reputation. 

"Hey, Oliver's here!" Will pointed at me as I walked up the street. "Over here!"

I jogged towards Will's old house, admiring it to stall. "Wow, Will. I'm going to miss you a lot, even if we didn't ever get to hang out much."

"Nice to see you, Oliver," Nico greeted me, holding out his hand to shake mine. "You've been such a good friend to my boyfriend. I'm really glad you could be there for him through this tough time."

"No problem," I sighed, chuckling under my breath. 

"What's so funny?" Will asked innocently. 

Oh, Will, I thought to myself, Neither of you are going to make it out alive. 

Drawing the gun, I already realized my mistake. Nico brought his hands up as skeleton men emerged from the lawn. The weapon in my hand was knocked out onto the grass, shock covering my face like a blanket. "How did you-"

"You smelled like death," Nico grumbled, holding a long knife to my neck. "You're the Rogue Killer, aren't you? Admit it."


"Admit it!"

"Fine," I puffed out. "I killed Amy Snaden."

"I knew it," Nico growled, cutting the blade into my neck. "This is what you deserve for causing my boyfriend to suffer. Fuck off, Oliver Thomas."

Y'all this what brought to you by my sudden creativity five minutes before a doctor's appointment. 

Song of the day is My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish.

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