Jonathan Peterson

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"True love is choosing the many things a person did right rather than the one thing he did wrong."

"Jonathan?" The shrill voice belonged to my best friend, Abigail. "Jonathan, are you paying attention?"

My ears perked up, my concentration residing in the hands of the girl in front of me. "Sorry, Abi. My head just can't wrap around it."

"You're staring at Nico Di Angelo again, aren't you?"

I sputtered out a scowl, attempting to deny her query. "Of course not, Abigail. You know I'm straight as a line."

"Nah, you're no straighter than a circle," Abigail declared, crossing her arms in prominence.

It took me a solid few seconds before I realized what her statement meant. "Woah, that was so out of pocket!"

I could only glare at her while she giggled, pointing weakly at my lover a few tables away. "Just look at him, Abigail," I pleaded, melting at the sight of his pure beauty. "He's so pure. So adorable."

"I don't think he'd enjoy you calling him adorable," Abigail scowled, flopping onto the chair next to me in the library setting, her hair sending off a vague smell of citrus and lemon. "I heard a few rumors about him the other day. Bro's got anger issues. Apparently, he punched McMichael in the nose just a week ago."

"While that would explain why both McMichael and Nico were out of school for a while, I don't believe you," I decided, pulling my attention away from her. "Nico would never do such a thing. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

"You don't know him very well, then," Abigail stated, pointing her chin towards his table.

As my eyes averted to meet the scene, I noticed how hard Nico was slamming his fist onto the table to squash the fly.

"DIE!" He screamed, despite the librarian's protests for him to quiet down.

"Alright, I might've underestimated him," I admitted, shrugging lightly. "Still, that doesn't define him. Just wait and see."

With that, I promptly left the library in hopes of crafting a genius plan to pull Nico into my heart. Oh wait, I already had one.

"Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination."

Despite my feelings for the Godly male, he and I maintained a steady relationship as friends. He was so oblivious, so my feelings were clearly one-sided. He'd made that crystal clear after showing me pictures of his amazingly hot boyfriend.

Why were all the hot ones gay?

"Hey Nico," I hummed, grabbing my books and walking beside him through the hallways. Earbuds were plastered in his ears, basically ignoring my mere existence beside him.

"Eminem again, perhaps?" I questioned, although my words were drowned out by 'Mockingbird'.

As his eyes finally leveled up, he noticed me beside him, jumping a teensy bit in surprise. "Holy Hades, Jonathan. Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, man," I chuckled at his fright. "What are you listening to?"

"Let's be honest, you already know what I'm listening to," Nico deadpanned, scrolling through his phone with sass. "You heard it, right? You creep."

"Mockingbird again, huh?" I promptly grinned. "And yes, to answer your question, I heard the music through your earbuds. Buy some new ones, man. Those are cheap as fuck."

He shrugged. "They work just fine. I haven't had a steady job since the 1940s."

At his joke, I cued laughter. His humor was just that way, joking all about the 1900s as if he'd actually lived through that century.

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