Chapter 19- Training

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Months had gone by and I went to the swordsmith village and defeated Uppermoon 5 by myself, it was quite easy since I was just messing around the entire time, I've been training a lot lately and built up my strength so much I was equal to Sanemi in an arm wrestling competition. I could also hold my ground against Mitsuri.
Rengoku sadly passed away a while ago, he was killed by Uppermoon 3 but from what I hear, his death was quite peaceful.
Right now we were training all the lower ranking slayers.
Tanjiro had finished my training within 3 weeks, it was very impressive, for him aleast. The other slayers were absolute weaklings that were probably going to get killed in seconds.
There was this one particular yellow haired kid,  he was always crying and talking about how he was going to die, but once in the middle of the night I had awoken to him training till he coughed blood, it was so nostalgic since that's exactly what I did but I vomited it instead.
He was extremely fast, I don't think as fast as a Hashira but still impressive, he also seemed to have very sensitive hearing, that's possibly why he got a sparrow instead of a crow, crows can be very loud, and he essentially freaks out when it gets too loud, I don't know what kind of breathing he uses though, and his hair colour is weird, I wonder if it's naturally yellow.
"Muichiro-kun!!" Mitsuri bounced over to me joyfully but what worried me was that her breasts were about to fall out, this happened very often.
"Mitsuri your boobs are about to fall out," I told her calmly.
Obanai have me the dirtiest look ever.
"Oh!" She quickly fixed her Kimono to be less showing. Then came up to me and help my hands tightly.
"Would you like to do some of my flexibility training! Zenitsu and Nezuko agreed to it already!" She jumped up and down excitedly.
"Sure I guess,"
We met up with the others, surprisingly Zenitsu- oh yes he was the yellow haired kid- wasn't going mad over Nezuko, he seemed quite calm actually.
"Kanroji-san?" He asked.
"Hm?" Mitsuri hummed.
His eyes darted from side to side before he whispered.
"This field, it's very nice by could use some wisteria,"
I instantly understood and noticed Nezuko had some vines slightly growing down her arms and legs, she must be ready to attack.
"Oh....right yes," Mitsuri agreed nodding to prove she had understood what he meant.
A demon was nearby.
"Where should we go?" I asked.
"Lets go train by the waterfall, but be careful not to touch the water," he glanced at the stream for a split second before leading the way.
I noticed the shuffling sounds, the demon was following us. I wonder why Zenitsu told us to stay out of the water.
When we got to the waterfall it was weird, we hadn't been attacked yet but I felt the presence of the demon, before I realised, we were in the sunlight, it was probably waiting for some shade to appear over us before attacking.
"Ok so, how flexible are you guys?" Kanroji asked us.
"In not that flexible," both me and Zenitsu said in unison.
"I'm quite flexible but only in my legs," Nezuko said.
"Ok well we probably should start on the legs either way." She nodded, "Try do the splits."
Mitsuri and Nezuko did them with ease.
"You try Zenitsu," Mitsuri said.
"What type of splits? Like front or-"
"Whichever is easier,"
Zenitsu smoothly did a front split.
"That's great! Now Mui you try do what Nezuko is doing,"
Nezuko was doing a side split.
"Ah wait I forgot to tell you!" Mitsuri exclaimed. "Its better to do flexibility in like shorts and a bra or shirtless, your clothes are all baggy so it's going to be harder,"
"I wear shorts underneath," I told her.
"Me too," Nezuko said.
"I do aswell," Zenitsu said,
"That's perfect then!, let's get into the serious training,"
We all ended up just being in our shorts and Mitsuri and Nezuko were obviously wearing bra's, I don't know where they got them though-
As we were warming up I noticed Zenitsu was looking at my chest a lot, was it because of the puncture marks from the poison?? Or the scars I was covered in??
Every time he realised I noticed he would go red and look away until I wasn't looking.
"Try bend backwards and put your head between your legs!"
I tried and managed to do it after the third try. I felt my bones digging deep into my organs but it was nothing, I had been through torture training already so this was a walk in the park.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Zenitsu whimpered quietly, I noticed how some of his bones jutted out, he was quite skinny, he had a good build of muscles and abs but everytime he moved I could see his bones sticking out.
"Zenitsu are you alright?" Nezuko asked with concern also seeming to be in a little pain.
"Yep just fine," he winced.
"Zenitsu you shouldn't do that if it hurts!" Mitsuri said.
"No it's fine, I've felt worse," he shrugged it off like it was nothing.
He kept staring at my chest again when we were supposed to be pulling our leg over our shoulder.
"Zenitsu why do you keep looking at my chest?" I asked him getting closer.
"I- well uh-" he went a bright red and scratched the back of his neck.
"I don't real-"
"Just say it for fucks sake, there's nothing to be embarrassed about I just want to know why,"
"You have...large tits for a guy,"
Excuse me what-
"Oh..." I didn't know what the fuck to say to that. He literally just said I have big tits.
"I'll take it as a compliment I guess.."
"Gomen I didn't meant to make you awkward," he bowed.
"No it's nothing, besides if you think mine are big you should see Shinazugawa's," I said with a slight smirk.
"No you idiot, his brother Sanemi,"
"Ooh, yeah, he's scary,"
"Not really,"
"Yes really, you and him are definitely the most scary,"
"Who's the prettiest?" I decided to find out more about Agatsuma.
"Well I'd say out of the boys it's definitely you and Tomioka-san, and out of the girls Mitsuri," he seemed firm with the answer.
"Most annoying?"
"Obviously Uzui," he rolled his eyes. "He's so fucking annoying and weird talking about being flash or shit, like seriously,"
"I have finally met my people, I despise Tengen Uzui with a  burning passion, he deadass looks like a monkey,"
"Exactly, sure he's strong but like he needs to fix that attitude of his, nothing wrong with being sassy obviously but he just doesn't get it," he shook his head.
Me and Zenitsu sat down and shit talked Uzui for the next hour, it was fun, all jokes aswell.
Mitsuri and Nezuko had gone back since Nezuko wanted to talk to Kanao about something and we'd finished out training, I was a little sore all over but I would live.

The Rain||GenMuiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora