Interesting Opportunity

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You were feeling better. It had been only two days, but Mitsuki had a medicine that worked wonders, and being in a clean environment helped too. Still not school ready, but you felt good enough to get up and start walking.

Mitsuki had taken the last few days off of work to help care for you. She was like a mother to you and you were so beyond grateful. You couldn't thank her enough for the care she'd given you.

"How are you feeling?" she asked. You smiled and answered politely with an honest response. Mitsuki got back to cleaning off the table, and you threw on your shoes to head out the door.

Mitsuki gave you a concerned look as if to ask where you were going. "I'm gonna take Umi out for a walk. It's been a while since me and him have gotten some active time," you laughed. By then, the puppy had heard the work walk and barreled at you like a bullet train.

He was around knee height. The vet said he'd be about hip height by the end of the year, but he seemed to be getting growth spurts more common than most dogs. You hooked him on a leash and opened the door.

It was a cold, rainy day, but there had been a break in the storm, and you took that as an opportunity to go for a walk. In fact, you'd meet Katsuki out on his way home from school. It was 3:00 in the afternoon, and school would end any minute.

Umi tugged on the leash and you followed his lead. It was a short walk to the school, but with Umi, he had you there in nearly half the time, plus a potty break.


You stood outside the gates of U.A.. The bell had just wrung and you waited for Katsuki as kids filed out the large front doors. The sky began to drizzle and you could see umi flinch as large water droplets slowly landed on his nose.

"Better find a tree, huh," You said with a laugh, turning around to find some sort of shelter. A large oak stood around ten feet from you, but once the rain came harder, you realized that not even the strong trees large leave would shield you.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Katsuki asked, hovering his umbrella over your head. He was one of the last kids out of the school, but you were still thankful he had noticed you either way instead of just walking home.

"I wanted to meet you after school. We can go pick Kousei up from school together, with Umi of course. I'd feel bad if you did it on your own, given he's my brother and all," you said, picking the black dog up in your arms. He squirmed a bit before finding a comfortable place in your arms, resting his head on your shoulders.

"So, how far is Kouseis school from here? I haven't been able to bring him there or bring him home, my neighbor offered to, but your mom told me you offered as well," you said, walking down the large hill.

"It's only a five-minute walk. At the bottom of the hill, take a right, and at the second turn we take a left, pretty simple. Pick your feet up, it's going to start raining harder."


Kousei ran up to you and gave your waist a hug and you set down Umi to hug him back. It was the first time you had been able to meet him outside of school. Katsuki bent down a bit and gave Kousei a fist bump.

"While you've been sick, I've been out here, making moves. Soon enough this kid will like me more than you," Katsuki said, a little smile spreading across his face.

Kousei didn't say anything as he had already distracted himself with Umi. "It looks like it's about to start raining hard, we should get back. I think I'm good to go home tomorrow, so I should start packing my stuff," you said, sticking your hand out from the umbrella to feel the rain drop on your fingers.

"Sounds good, we don't need you catching another damn cold." (damn)


Your little group had gotten caught in the pouring rain just moments later. Thankfully Kousei's school wasn't far from Katsuki's house, so you had only been rained on for a little bit. That little bit was enough to completely ruin your shoes, and unfortunately made Umi stink up the house.

"I'm going to go up to take a shower, Katsuki can you dry Umi off?" you asked. He let out a loud groan, setting the towel down that he used to pat himself dry with. But he agreed, surprisingly.

You made it to your temporary room within seconds. The office computer sat open with your email. You had mistakenly left it open since when you left, you were in the middle of emptying out your 67,000+ emails (me rn fr).

One remained though. "Received 23 minutes ago." was sat next to the address. "Soumei @," was right next to it. You hurriedly opened it, wasting no time at all.

"Dear, (y/n)

Hey, it's been a while. I was hoping to come and visit you after school on Monday and meet with you and your homeroom teacher, as well as your principle about something. When I called, they informed me that you had been out sick all week. If Monday doesn't work, I can reschedule at any time.

Hope to hear from you soon

- Soumei"

You closed the message and hurriedly hit the "compose" button. You'd be ready by Monday to go to school if you rested over the weekend. It would be good to see Soumei again, you were confused as to why he wanted to meet with your teachers as well.

"Hey Soumei. Monday sounds great, I hope to see you soon as well. Just wondering why, you want to meet up so suddenly?"

You sent it, and he replied within minutes. You forgot he spent a lot of time on his email, hero things you know.

"Great to hear back so soon. I can't get into the specifics over email, but just know that this is a big opportunity I have to offer you. This is a new thing that the hero administration has offered to few mentors as a way to help kids get a head start, and I believe you are beyond ready. This may offer a brighter future that what you could have ever hoped."


A/N: Ugh, it's either this chapter or next chapter but I got one coming up that's actually xreader yk FINALLY LIKE WTF IS TAKING ME SO LONG

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