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NOTE: Hey guys, If you like this story, I'd strongly consider starting my new book "Forever" which is a Izuku Midoriya x reader fic



"I want to make pumpkin muffins!" Umito yelled as you looked through his grandmother's large cookbook. It was a Sunday afternoon, and around the time you would usually go to visit his grandmother every week of the summer vacation.

You were ten, taking baking lessons from Mrs. Oohashi. She had decided to let you and Umito decide what to bake, and with excitement, Umito yelled out his favorite desert.

"Now why don't we let (y/n) make the final decision, since she is our guest after all."

"Pumpkin muffins sound good. Umito always talk about how great they are, but I don't think I've ever tried them before," You said happily with a smile.

Mrs. Oohashi pulled out the worn-out recipe. There was no doubt in your mind that she had already memorized the paper like the back of her hand, but still, didn't mind pulling out the recipe once more.

Carefully, you mixed the cinnamon, flour, baking soda, and salt together. Umito whisked the sugar, pumpkin pure, eggs, and vanilla in a separate bowl. His grandmother looked from afar, making sure you didn't overmix, or get the measurement wrong.

She only had to intervene twice. Once to remind you both to wash your hands first, and the second to remind Umito to not taste the batter. Apart from that, the actual baking aspect went flawlessly.

"These muffins will be out in about half an hour, why don't you two run down to the hardware shop and help (y/n)'s uncle Eisaku close up," Mrs. Oohashi suggested. You and Umito nodded your heads vigorously, running down the large stone steps to where you had parked your bikes.

The two of you made your way down the long driveway, racing to see who could touch the mailbox first. You had won, or so you said. Umito thought otherwise, and after a bit of bickering, came to a compromise with a tie.

Two miles down the road you stopped your bike. Umito followed your lead and stared with curiosity trying to find your reason for doing so.

A moment of realization passed through your mind as you looked over the large acre of dead and unkept field. The tall grass blew in the slight wind, tickling your uncovered legs as you stared at the edge.

An old broken down barn sat in the center, wooden planks weathered and beaten, grayed with age. The roof, a patchwork of missing shingles, and the windows, if any remained, were boarded up.

Umito looked too, but still wondered what prompted you to stop. The creak of the weathervane pierced your ears as it spun rapidly in the wind, and then suddenly, it stopped. 

"That house has been abandoned for twenty years my dad said, and no one has gone inside since. I wonder what's in there," you said to Umito, hinting at your underlying intentions.

"Grandma said we shouldn't go in there. She said that when she used to go out at night when she was a kid, she would hear strange noises from there. Grandpa said it's bad people, and to stay away, but grandma told me there are ghosts in there!"


"YEAH! The really bad kind, so we should stay away," Umito exclaimed. This immediately shut down all the curiosity you had accumulated.

You gave the house one last look, before getting back on your back and riding down the repair shop to see uncle Eisaku.

Leave It All Behind - Katsuki Bakugo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now