[5] MISSION: Shooting stars (15+)

Start from the beginning

Lieutenant Nat showed us how the rifle was self-loading, how we should hold it in our arms and the length of the distance could be 500 yards which was about 45 meters. Then he shot with such a confidence and speed the center or the target.

"I think it was clear, all of you, spread over the entire area and the shotgun will begin your training! Again, who doesn't find all the targets in two hours will stay without dinner!" That was much more cruel than Lieutenant's Sani's punishment but it motivated all of us to not miss anything.

I hid behind the training building and could hear slight barking which remembered me that I left Singto alone... I must make it up for him later.

Right when I heard the shotgun, I ran towards the first target which was placed on the tree near me. It took me a longer time to target it but I hit the target even though it was a close call.

The training building wasn't actually that high so I jumped on it from the wire fence and then climbed on the roof. I saw my other teammate there as well and he looked at me as if he wanted to compete. I smirked and now much faster, I shot before him from the longer distance. Actually, I was better at shooting from longer distance. When I'm too close to the target my hands keep shaking as I imagine a real person on the spot.

"Fuck! Just one last minute!" I was looking for the last target which was hidden in our sleeping place. Avoiding the bunk beds was much harder but finally I found it on the ceiling when the training was just about to end!

I wiped my sweating forehead and felt such a relief. I can't stay without dinner for another day or I wouldn't live through another day here. I walked out and Chadok didn't seem so angry with me anymore.

"Just five of you managed to hit the target which really disappoints me and Lieutenant Nat who teaches you to shoot for one month already but Lieutenant Sani must be proud that one her K-9 holder passed both of the exams of four.This exam was just a warm-up, you'll be learning to shoot moving subjects as well! Now go for your lunch!"

I ate the whole plate as if it was the best serving I've ever eaten but it was really disgusting. I was just really hungry after yesterday. Some guys even offered me their serving which they would throw away or pass it to K-9 holders for their dogs. I ate three more servings and then I brought the last one to Singto.

When I came to the training building, everyone was already petting their dogs but Singto was sulking in the corner again and didn't look like he's fooling anyone right now.

"Singto? I'm so sorry for leaving you yesterday... my acquaintance visited me and I... needed privacy just like you if you met your mate, do you understand?" He didn't even move his head but when I tried to pet him, he bit my hand again. This time it was much less painful.

"So you are not mad!" He barked and wagged his tail, then he jumped at me and licked my whole face! I was happy he didn't give up on me and then gave him my meal and he ate all of it.

"Lieutenant, I'd like to take Singto for a short running!" I shouted at her as she was on the opposite side of the building and she smiled and nodded but then she said: "But just 5 miles today! Yesterday's mission could be more stressful for him and he needs to rest!" I nodded and then gave him a leash.

We kept running around the camp and to the lake where we trained at the beginning. He liked to wash his body in the cold water and even to splash it on me when he was drying his fur.

"Singto! I'm all wet now!" He didn't care and just enjoyed the moment. Then we headed back as the sun was coming down and I wanted to talk to Black before I should meet up with my boyfriend.

"The training... wasn't it too much for you?" He was smoking his second cigarette.

"It was actually thrilling... it surprised me but imagining that bitch hurting Todd helped me shot all centers of the targets." I gulped... I was glad I even managed to hit it.

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