[6] CASE: Family issues

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[Ayan's POV]

I couldn't sleep the whole night. Not only was the couch uncomfortable but I also had to keep thinking of what just happened.

If I didn't stop, I think I'd get what I want. If it was someone else, I'd curse myself for being an idiot for letting this chance pass but Akk struggles a lot with his inner feelings.

I know that as a chief he wants to be a perfect example for his underlings but they should understand he's a human too, not an emotionless robot. Or at least for me.

While I kept trying to fall asleep at 3 am, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I was afraid that Akk might be sleepwalking but he was awake with bags under his eyes and left straight to the kitchen.

I wanted to know what's wrong and if it's not me who caused him this sleepless night but I saw that he was taking some pills.

"Hey, what's that?" I startled him and he turned at me.

"Ayan! How come you are not sleeping?!"

"I was about to ask the same thing... I thought you lacked sleep just because of too much work but since you are taking pills..."

"That's none of your business, just go to sleep." I frowned.

"But I told you everything about my past!" He smirked.

"How else would you get help from me?"

"Why are you so cold... is it because I broke our kiss?" He frowned and turned his back on me.

"Listen, what happened between us was just a moment of tension, nothing more. And I'd like to ask you to not come into my room anymore, I don't like it." I felt like my heart just shattered into several pieces... I thought... I thought we were finally getting somewhere but he just needed a little more time... no, I won't let him get away with this!

"It's you who initiated the kiss, Akk, stop trying to fool yourself! Your head full of work may be against but your body knows what it needs-."

"I have a date this Saturday so I'd like you to not disturb me." Huh? I was so confused...

"W-what date? And how should I not disturb you?" He smirked.

"I think you know how. I plan to take my date here so it'd be fine if you went out for a walk." I can't believe he made me lose my words... no one was able of it for so long.

"You are lying, Akk, such a workaholic like you has no time for dating. Are you trying to hurt me? If so... you could just tell me you don't want me to live with you anymore..." I don't think I can bear it. One time he's nice and friendly and then he's cold and heartless... I can withstand a lot but not someone who's toying with me like this.

"Wait... where are you going?" I frowned at him.

"Away, I'll just take back my clothes. Thanks for letting me wash it." I went to his bathroom and grabbed my clothes which were still wet but that didn't matter. I changed myself and headed straight to his front door when I felt a warm touch behind me.

"Aye... don't leave..." He was crying!

"Aye... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... just don't leave me..." He kept crying on my shoulder and refused to let me go but I knew there had to be something more behind his reaction... something from his past.

"Akk, if you answer my question, I'll stay." I didn't look at him and he didn't let his hands go off my waist.

"What happened to you?" I need to know, I need to know so I can understand him and not be so hurt by his coldness.

LOVE against the LAW || AkkAyan || FirstKhaotung fanfiction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang