[3] CASE: Kidnapping

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[Akk's POV]

When I finally opened my eyes, the sun had already come out. I must have fallen asleep when I came to my senses again but I still had a strong migraine as if I was partying the whole night.

"My head... aghh..." Suddenly I felt a wet cloth on my forehead... so I had company.

"W-who is that?" My vision was still blurry.

"Man, you can't take a little pain now? Are you getting old or what?" That voice belonged to him!

"You! How dare you kidnap me?!" He chuckled.

"With your state, I doubt you'd even return to your house, Chief. You are also pretty skinny, were you not eating lately or are you paid worse than maids?" I frowned.

"That's none of your concern. I'm just doing my work."

"Workaholism can be as damaging as alcoholism. You ain't sleeping, you ain't eating and go to action with that low energy of yours. I knew you wouldn't be so easy to get if you were satisfying your needs." I didn't want to admit it but he was right... my strength and reflexes are below average now...

"Where am I?" I asked but he didn't respond.

"Can't tell ya, you'd send your men here just like yesterday! I was so pissed off at you that I robbed that guy on purpose! To lure you out!" So he's mad that I was trying to do my job and punish him? I don't get him at all.

"Don't you have any self reflection?! What you did was against the law!" He stood up out of sudden and walked away.

"You don't get me at all... Akk..." My name! How did he-?! I shoved my hand in all of my pockets just to find an empty wallet. He stole even my identity card! Driver license! Gun! Handcuffs! Police badge! He sure doesn't want to let me go away.

I sighed... a cop who let himself get kidnapped and robbed... reporters would write a long article about it...

I wiped my face with the wet cloth he lent me and could finally see the place where I was more clearly. I saw cracked walls and raindrops falling from the ceiling... it was autumn and his place wasn't heated. Just in what conditions is he living? Maybe that's why he was stealing... to afford a better place...

He came back with a hot bowl in his hand and I could look at him more clearly now. His hair was a mess and his grey T-shirt had some holes in it. He was only wearing boxers on his legs and I noticed some scars on his body but what caught my attention was his tattoo on his thigh.

"You don't have money for clothes but you have tattoo?" He rolled his eyes.

"I had to sell my clothes so I kept just those worn-out. I got the tattoo way before I got... into difficult situation." He put the bowl on the floor and sat down next to me on a cushion.

He kept staring at me as I was eating the instant noodles soup.

"For a chief, you ain't scary at all and are the only one I was able to seduce."  I gagged.

"You. Did. Not. Seduce. Me!" He smirked.

"But the bulge in your pants when you were sitting on my waist kept telling me opposite. Are you into me, Officer?" Fuck... he noticed...

"I'm just... single for too long, that's all."

"Single? You are literally married to your work but I can help you with that." I looked at him with disbelief... why is he so friendly towards his enemy?

"How?" Suddenly he leaned closer to my ear and whispered: "I think you know." I quickly pushed him away!

"I'm not into friends with benefits and definitely not with a criminal!" He looked disappointed.

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