[10] CASE: Runaway

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[Ayan's POV]

I could not believe Akk actually kissed me when he was so against it. I guess he couldn't oppose the tension between us anymore and I felt really happy about it till Khan disturbed us.

Hearing the word LOVE from Akk for the first time left me stunned in the place but then the heartwarming feeling was exchanged with frustration. Maybe I was a little irritated when he talked about his ex. He's 27 so of course he had a few of them but I thought it was nothing serious... hearing how he couldn't get over it made me feel insecure and then he told Khan about me... he didn't say everything, he kept the promise to not tell anyone about my family but he totally undressed me with his words when he said I'm the thief they are looking for... I felt so ashamed out of the sudden and didn't feel safe at all... Akk may trust him but I met him just today and he already knows about my identity. I did not expect this from Akk at all... I understand that bearing my issues on his shoulders may be too much for him alone but I did not give him permission to tell him. I was just quiet which didn't mean he could say it...

I was so irritated that when I walked to the hospital, I even yelled at the nurse when she kept telling me my Uncle's doctor doesn't have time right now.

I didn't want to leave and waited in the waiting room with my arms crossed till I saw him coming back.

"Doctor?! I'm sorry but could you talk to me? Just for a while..."

"My next patient should be here in half an hour so come in for that time." I nodded and followed him.

"You can sit down... I'm guessing you are here to ask about your uncle." I nodded.

"Doctor... I noticed his heart was beating slower now and I know it's not normal. How much time does he have?" I didn't want to beat around the bush... I was lucky to get this kind doctor who was willing to visit Uncle without taking more money than I gave him for medication and his treatment.

"Ayan... you know he should have had heart surgery a long time ago..."

"So?" He sighed.

"One month... if he doesn't have heart surgery in one month, I don't think there's a chance he will live." I knew it! I knew it and still... my eyes welled up.

"Don't you really have some relatives who could cover up for his surgery?"

"You know I'm an orphan, sir! And he... his parents died due to their age and he was an only child. The brother of his father died as well and that's all... he had a boyfriend but they broke up a long time ago..."

"I see... I'm very sorry about your situation." Pity doesn't help me at all.

"I guess... I don't have any other choice." I muttered to myself and felt really terrible at the moment... I was mad at Akk but now it's me who's going to break the promise.

After walking around and thinking about what to do, I returned to my temporary work. 

I did not have any food today and I felt terrible to even eat something.

"Ayan!" Akk looked surprised to see me back. Did he think I'd leave him here on the first day?

"Hey Akk..." I couldn't even cover my sadness.

"Look, I'm sorry for telling others about you... I just needed-."

"Others?! You told someone else as well?!" I had my eyes wide open and he stroked his cheek. I clenched my fists. This was even worse than I thought.

"Tian... officer from a different police station-." I pushed him towards a wall just like he did the other day and grabbed his shirt to make him look straight into my face.

LOVE against the LAW || AkkAyan || FirstKhaotung fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now