[4] MISSION: Finding you

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[Ayan's POV]

Meeting Akk after two months was actually my salvation...

When I arrived at the airport, I was looking for the cheapest hotel or pension but those prices were just too high and I couldn't afford to lose more than I did and that's why for now I decided to spend nights on a cold bench. For my bad luck, which kept following me my whole life, I was robbed. A robber got robbed, what an irony.

But my situation was seriously too bad. I had no money anymore so I couldn't eat and could drink water just from the public toilets or when I found a river nearby but I couldn't drink too often...

I had to become a beggar. Being a thief and stealing something again would be great but the itching feeling I've been having since I robbed Akk didn't let me live in peace and also I had no pocket knife this time to get out of it.

With a sign in my hands looking for work, as if I was a prostitute, I was sitting in the center of the city. During the daylight it was great, people didn't have work for me but gave me money when they saw my bad state and also my age.

I felt like a complete insect looking at those rich farts and ladies and kept laughing at the fact that politicians dare to talk about equality.

Late at night it was worse... people were drunk and horny so I was an easy target for them.

"Look boy, I'd pay you a lot for one night... much more than you'd get in any other work." I frowned. I may be broke but I'm not a fucking bitch.

"No thanks, I'd rather die than have sex with someone as ugly as you!" He grabbed my wrists but I pushed him away with my kick and then ran away. The food, which I bought with the money I got, saved me now.

As I ran to complete nowhere, I bumped into one old man.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir." I immediately helped him up and handed him his stick.

"That's all right, young man. You helped me up and didn't run away... by the way, I see that you are looking for a job."

"But not anything perverted..." I raised my eyebrow.

"Perverted? Oh no, my back is hurting so I'd appreciate some help in my house... I've been living alone since my kids left me and my wife passed away but I'd need to chop wood and take care of my chicken."

"Are you sure it's not some trap?"

"I don't know how I could convince you..." He still seemed nice so I smiled and followed him. It was as he said. He was still heating his house with wood and had chicken to have his own eggs.

"But it's too late now, take a shower and get some rest."

"Huh? You are letting me stay here?!"

"I see you have no things with you... if you agree to do even chores I am barely able to do in one week, I'll let you stay here for free. You could also go shopping for me." I smirked.

"You've just got yourself an employee, geezer, I can even play your grandchild if you want."

"You actually remind me of my grandchild... he was also kind but died in a car accident... I'm really lucky to come across you." I smiled, so some people are still kind... just like Akk who did almost the same as this old man.

I was helping the man with everything, I was even making sure he was taking his pills and called a doc for him when he was sick. He looked happier than when he met me and even gave me more money at the end of the month than I was supposed to get.

"But grandpa, what will you have?!"

"If I didn't have you, I'd have to live in a retirement home which is even more expensive than getting help from you and I don't want to leave this house. I've moved in with my first and last wife and I want to die here as well."

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