[12] MISSION: Coma

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[Black's POV]

I spent several days sneaking to the hospital and being constantly on the phone the whole night in a hotel waiting for a call but I've never got anything for the whole two weeks. Just a few calls from Akk who's been complaining the whole time about his lazy ass or not getting laid as if it was my concern but I was glad someone called me to not shout at me because it wasn't White's case.

"Black! You could have died! Why are you so reckless?!" I wondered if he worried about me or himself.

"Listen, if Sean was kidnapped and almost killed in front of your eyes, would you be able to sit on your ass and do nothing?"

"But that's..."

"No, it's completely the same. Just because you two are longer together, it doesn't mean my feelings are any different. You don't know him like I do!" I didn't even let him explain himself.

"Black... calm down... listen to me... you should take care of yourself now. Come to our place, I'll take care of you." I sighed.

"And Sean would eat me alive, no thanks." I came closer to the window to open it and smoked.

"Don't be so stubborn! Sean isn't even at home that much! After Akk resigned, the most important missions went to him!"

"And? What about Phupha? Can't he take care of it?"

"They are also very busy... the crimes were raised out of sudden when Akk stopped being such a threat to them."

"That's too bad but I won't go back... I want to be close to him and the hospital is a few meters from the hotel."

"Black... be rational. You can't do anything right now and you should take care of yourself. Do you even eat? Do you sleep? You need to take care of yourself before you'll face him." Right, I wouldn't be of any use if I came there tired.

"Can't you... spend time with me in the hotel? I really don't want to face Sean right now..."

"I guess I won't convince you... fine, I'll explain it to him and then come, silly brother. Just don't risk losing your life anymore." I smirked. No, it's Sean who cares just about White's life but White still cares about me. I exhaled the smoke and inhaled it with my nostrils. When I was done, I threw the butt out the window and then leaned against the wall.

"Will those nightmares ever stop?" I looked at the bed sleepily. I haven't slept for two days... if I don't do anything, it'll be really bad.

I decided to turn on a calming sound which could help me sleep but the music was pissing me off so I changed it to something more dark, soundtrack from thrillers which finally helped me fall asleep.

The next day, I had a meeting with White in front of the hospital and saw him holding three bags. I smiled, he still had no muscles.

"Hey White." I waved at him and then approached him with my hands in my pockets.

"Hey Black... you look... like a zombie to be honest but I'm glad to see you again. I brought food for you and I cooked lunch for Sean so I have a prepared meal for you as well." My stomach just gurgled and he giggled.

"See? You are stubborn but your body doesn't listen to you anymore. Let's go sit on a bench before visiting the hospital." I wanted to oppose but I was too hungry and followed him. We sat down together on the nearest bench and then he started looking for the meal.

"I prepared a curry. I hope you'll like it." He handed me his lunchbox and also a spoon.

"Listen, White... why are you so nice to me? I've been such a jerk to you the whole time and I'm not even talking about your boyfriend." He looked upset.

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