[5] MISSION: Shooting stars (15+)

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[Akk's POV]

When I finally got to the camp, Chadok was already waiting for me in front of the barbed wire fence.

"Lieutenant... I..." I was catching my breath while he was strictly glaring at me. I'm so fucked up if Black told him what I was actually doing!

"Keep it, Akk, 300 push-ups and then we'll talk."


"Should I make it one thousand?"

"No, sir!" I immediately started pushing up and he was counting it but the whole time... I couldn't stop thinking about Aye's and my first sex and got distracted in the middle.

"Akk!" My body fell on the ground.

"Now you'll have to start again!"

"Sir I..." I was about to faint but he helped me sit down and lean my head against his chest.

"Those hickeys... Akk! What happened in the temple! Don't tell me that you were-!"

"Fine I'll tell you! I met Ayan there and..." He took a deep breath and seemed relieved.

"God, I already thought you were a victim of something troublesome... just go to your bed and get your rest... I won't ask for anything more." He seemed disappointed which was even worse than when he was shouting at me.

I sneaked out to my bed but noticed that Black was missing... whatever... my energy got wasted already.

I still had two hours after I finally fell asleep but Black's crying into his pillow woke me up. I looked at him and saw that he was shaking so I got off my bed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Black! Black! Wake up!" He was startled and quickly wiped his eyes.

"You've seen nothing!"

"I still have ears."

"I do too and that's why I couldn't misheard when you were sticking your-!" I quickly shut his mouth.

"Psst, tell me when we are alone... I know I deserve it but don't tell me that you wouldn't do the same with Todd." He smirked.

"Yeah after seeing his wounds I would seriously want to have sex with him."

"Sorry... I made you feel bad, right?"

"That's your business, I at least got to snitch on you to the Lieutenant."


"But I ordered others to keep it to themselves! Do you know what a problem you'd have if it spread among all of the teammates here? The moaning was clearly male's so homophobes could wait for you after the training and gays who didn't get laid yet would wait for you as well."

"Hey... you are exaggerating... we are all police officers here so there's no way they'd risk going to prison..."

"You should still be careful. I could also take you in the shower but you are lucky that you ain't my type." I pushed his chest with my finger.

"I assure you that there's no way you could fuck me with that tiny body of yours."

"Tss, I shouldn't cover up for you." He turned away and I went back to my bed. Great, he didn't even tell me why he cried and I wasted another time.

In the morning I was still sleepy but this time Chadok didn't spare me and made me run more rounds than others.

After we were done, we met in front of the basement with weapons.

"Today, you are all going to train shooting with an AR-15. If there were more than one attacker, you'd have to shoot quickly to move to your different target. You were used to Sig Sauers and Glocks till now but even the seconds you use on loading the gun are crucial. If some of you play paintball, you'll be in advantage now. The targets will placed around the camp but even in the training building and on the roof. You'll all be wearing bulletproof vests for your safety and have two hours to find all the targets. You can also shoot from longer distance but make sure that now one will be around you! Lieutenant Nat will show you how to use your rifle right and even gives an example by shooting one target from longer distance." I paid my full attention to Chadok but felt really nervous when I was holding the AR-15. I looked at Black who seemed much more confident in holding the rifle now.

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