[1] MISSION: Wanted criminal

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[Akk's POV]

After talking to the commander, I learnt that the training begins in two weeks so I just sent my application there.

I still wonder... if Ayan is safe and where he is. How I wish to see him again... after thinking more about it, I actually understand him. He knew I was willing to give up everything for him and how selfless he is, he didn't want me to lose any more than I did... he didn't know that after meeting him, everything became less important for me.

Today was my last day I had to visit the station. I just hope Khan won't be mad...

When I came in, I really didn't expect the group hug they gave me. All of them. As if they knew that I'm leaving.

"Akk, I'm glad you are okay... after what happened..." Khan said and others looked at him dumbfounded.

"I mean, you must be devastated that we've lost some documents, you must have been scolded really badly."

"Huh? What got lost?" I quickly looked at the computer and saw it. So he didn't even trust me with this...

"It doesn't matter now because... the culprit is gone."

"Huh? How do you know?!" Wat asked and I bit my bottom lip. Khan was the only one who knew and looked sad.

"O-others who worked on the case told me. Don't dig too deep into it. What I wanted to tell you... I'm leaving." They all gasped.

"H-hey Akk... you can't be serious... take some days off but you can't..."

"If I didn't leave myself, they'd fire me, Khan, and you know why..."

"Huh? What does Khan know and we don't?"

"I'm sorry, Wat, I'll tell you just that I broke the law myself and can't lead you anymore. I'm sorry, I was bad leader lately so Khan, I hope you'll lead my team well."

"Huh?! Wouldn't Wat be better?! I keep making mistakes!"

"Wat will be your personal assistant, Khan, I already talked to the General."

"Shouldn't you at least ask us before you decided this for yourself?! I thought we were friends who can talk to each other, Akk!" I sadly looked at Wat.

"So that means you don't want to help me, Wat, fine, Thua will be better for this..." Khan helped me which I was grateful for.

"I want to help you!"

"But you'll call me Chief from now on." Wat nodded and seemed happy that Khan is not mad at him anymore.

"Thanks, guys, I'm lucky to have you." I almost had tears in my eyes and they smiled.

"And... what are you gonna do now, Akk."

"I'll go to SWAT training and then I'll see if I continue my career. It depends on if I pass the exam."

"SWAT training?! That's too dangerous!"

"We won't go to real missions yet, just the simulated ones to physically and mentally prepare for it so the training won't kill me, don't worry. Then I'll see..." Khan came closer to me and patted my shoulder.

"Even though you can't work as a chief anymore, I'd always take you back as officer, Akk." He whispered and I nodded.

"Isn't it cool? If Boss passes the exam, he'll go to more thrilling actions than what we have here-!" Wat slapped his head.

"Namo, you should know we don't do this work for adrenaline but for safety of others! And even if the case is important, our safety should be our priority!"

LOVE against the LAW || AkkAyan || FirstKhaotung fanfiction Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon