"ITADORI!" she exclaimed and ran over to the cotton candy haired boy.

As soon as Yuji heard her, he turned and glanced towards her but abruptly a doll punched his face and Yuji fell onto the ground and the doll danced on the top of the couch.

Y/N's eyes widened at the sight and she knelt beside Yuji and shook his body.

"ITADORI!! ITADORII!? ARE YOU OKAY?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"JEEZ!" Yuji exclaimed as he sat upright, his cheek was reddened due to the dolls impact.

"Itadori..?" Y/N asked in a concerned voice and furrowed brows.

"Ah L/N!! Im so happy to see you! Gojo Sensei said you would join to train soon! Im happy that you're finally here!" Yuji exclaimed happily.

"Yeah but are you okay?" she looked at him, concern still covered her face.

"Yeahh I'm ok..." Yuji held his cheek like a wounded pup.

Y/N nodded and looked over at the thing that caused him pain, it was small sized brown doll with blue boxing gloves on and with a snot bubble dangling from one nostril.

"That reminds me of something or someone.." she exclaims as she furrows her brows in contemplation, clearly deep in thought.

After a few moments she exclaims enthusiastically as she recalls "The Principal!"

"Yes!! L/N this is the Principal's creation!!  It looks cute but it hits hard!! Don't be fooled!" Yuji uttered in a pouty voice as Gojo observed the two.

"Okay enough talking! Now we are gonna train!" Gojo declared and the two students looked up at him.

"Come on now!" he declared again, the two continued to look at him.

"Listen to the best Sensei!" he said confidently.

Y/N looked at Gojo with a -_- face as Yuji looked at her expression and giggled.

"Okay now that's enough!" Gojo walked over the two pups and picked them up by the back of their uniforms. Y/N kept the same expression on and as so Yuji.

After that, Y/N stood in front of Gojo, and Yuji stood at the maintaining distance from the two.

"Alright so look over to those cans Y/N" Gojo ordered as Y/N turned towards what the man was referring to.

Gojo pouted at put his palms up in the direction of the cans.

Suddenly the green colored can was blasted with force as though struck with great impact and for other, the yellow one, it was now twisted.

"I used Cursed Energy on the green can and Cursed Technique on the yellow one." Gojo explained.

"Oh.." she continued to gaze at the can with a fuzzed expression.

Gojo looked at her and instantly knew that she didn't understand.

"Hmm.. Let's compare the Cursed Energy to electricity and Cursed Technique to the electrical appliances. Electricity is charged into electrical appliances for various purposes. The green can was blasted with Cursed Energy and the Yellow can was twisted by infusing Cursed Energy into Cursed Technique." Gojo explained throughly.

Y/N paused grasping his words.
"Oh.. so the Cursed Technique is activated via the Cursed Energy..so one should have Cursed Energy in them... right?" she looked at Gojo with a questioning face.

"Yes. Negative emotions such as grief and anger are the foundation of cursed energy." Gojo explained as Y/N stared at him.

"Now hit me here." Gojo ordered as he put one if his hand up and pointed it with his other hand.

"Hit you?" she tilted her head on the side.

"Come on don't be scared." Gojo teased.

"Im not scared!" she put her hand and punched his palm with all her might, the "cloud" didn't even flinch.

"There's no Cursed Energy in it." Gojo informed.

"What!?" She exclaimed.

"Negative emotions, Y/N." he reminded.

"Oh- haha."

Even after a several attempts, Y/N couldn't succeed in getting the flow of Cursed Energy into her body.

"Okay you're gonna join Yuji." Gojo declared.

"You're gonna watch movies with this guy." he took out another small sized cursed doll but this time it was a white one with purple boxing gloves and again with a snot bubble dangling from one nostril.

Recalling Yuji's situation with it, Y/N gulped.

"Oh..uh.. isn't there any other way?" she sweat dropped.


"Now hold this." he exclaimed offering the doll to Y/N, she declined to take it.

"Here are variety of movies, now try to sit through the entire movie without waking up the doll or getting hurt." He explained.

Gojo walked over to her and placed the doll on her head and grinned.

"Remember to try and get that Cursed Energy flowing~" he teased her and an irk mark appeared on Y/N's head.

Yuji watched the whole scene with sparkling eyes.

Ethereal Connection ♡ ⌇ Sukuna x Reader ⌇ ♡Where stories live. Discover now