Chapter 166 - 167

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Chapter 166 Reasons

"This is Beijing?" As the train slowly entered the station, Secretary Ma couldn't help but press his face against the window and look out.

Unfortunately, the winter in Beijing is very cold, and the windows are covered with hoarfrost. Secretary Ma simply opened the window and stuck his head out to take a look.

The other passengers in the car didn't have any objections, and they all looked out curiously.

Gu Mingdong occupied this good position and turned around to look, with surprise in his eyes.

After all, in his memory, the train station these days is just like the train station in Lingxiang Town. Even if it is not shabby, it still has a strong flavor of the times and is incomparable with modern buildings.

But this railway station in the capital is different. This is one of the most important railway hubs in China. Just a glance will shock people. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as majestic and magnificent.

When the train finally stopped, Gu Mingdong and Secretary Ma lined up to get off the train. There were conductors standing at the exit. When they saw older people, those carrying children, or those with too big luggage, they could lend a helping hand.

Gu Mingdong looked around without leaving a trace. Under his feet was a road paved with terrazzo. It was smooth and flat, making him feel as if he had returned to a modern city.

"This way." Secretary Ma greeted.

Gu Mingdong glanced back and still saw no trace of Xie Nanshan. Fortunately, they exchanged addresses before setting off, and it would not be too late to contact him after they settled down.

When he entered the station hall, Gu Mingdong was even more surprised. The marble floor was paved, the walls were covered with white ceramic tiles, and the windows were bright and clean, all of which spoke of the excellence of this building.

"A Dong, do you want to go to the toilet?" Secretary Ma asked.

Knowing that he wasn't going, Secretary Ma put down his luggage and hurried in.

Gu Mingdong looked up and saw that there were actually palace lanterns hanging in the high-ceilinged hall. A large bronze clock hung on the most obvious place on the wall, telling the passengers the time.

The most surprising thing is the four escalators going up and down in the station hall.

Before Gu Mingdong came here, he never thought that he could actually see escalators in the train station in this era.

This was because he had not seen much of the world. Gu Mingdong couldn't help but look at it a few more times. It was not a joke, because anyone who came to Beijing for the first time would be unable to take his eyes away from all this flashing light.

From the marble floor to the gorgeous palace lantern, everything was different from the simplicity and frugality in his impression.

This is the power that belongs to the country, even if the country has not yet become completely powerful.

Gu Mingdong thought to himself, reminding himself once again to be careful and not to be careless just because of his special origin or the existence of superpowers, otherwise he might end up in a big mess at some point.

After a while, Secretary Ma came back with excitement on his face and said in a lowered voice: "A Dong, please go to the toilet quickly. The toilets here are all covered with white tiles, but they are clean and have no smell at all."

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