Chapter 132 Expert

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By the time the second round of late rice was planted in Shanghe Village and it became lush and green, the first round of rice in Xiahe Village next door had not yet entered the harvest season.

Earlier when Shanghe Village was planting early rice, other production teams were still laughing at it, saying that they planted the rice too early and the harvest would definitely not be good. Besides, the fertility of the land would not be enough to plant two crops a year.

In the past, I heard that you can plant two crops a year over there, but that's because the temperature there is higher and the time suitable for rice growth is longer in the year.

The location of Shanghe Village is a bit awkward. It belongs to both sides, so planting for two seasons is a bit thankless.

If you have this time, you might as well order more sweet potatoes. After all, these things can also fill your stomach, and the yield is higher.

Who knew that Gu Jianguo actually applied for fertilizer, and the growth trend of early rice was very good. It was not affected by the temperature and light at all, and it ushered in a bumper harvest.

Of course, Gu Mingdong's contribution to optimizing grain varieties, Wu Wei's planting technology and Gu Jianguo's painstaking care were also responsible for the final good results.

This made the surrounding production teams envious. Ever since the double grab in Shanghe Village, they all came to Gu Jianguo to inquire about how to increase grain production.

Gu Jianguo didn't care about himself and told them everything he should do. It would be impossible this year, but there would still be a chance next year.

By this time, the production team had already handed over the public rations, and after saving enough seeds for the coming year, they put the rations on the road.

Gu Jianguo is now the captain of the team. He used to work part-time as the accountant of the production team. Now he is really too busy, so he roped in Gu Mingdong as the accountant and cashier.

These days, the cadres of the production team do not receive salary subsidies, and they usually have to work in the fields to earn work points. The name brings more of a sense of honor.

Gu Mingdong didn't refuse. He took the account book and began to make calculations. He sorted out the originally messy account book. When he returned to Gu Jianguo again, the account book became clear and clear at a glance.

After handing over the public grain, the remaining seeds have been planted in the ground, and the rest must be set aside for next year's possible expenses such as fertilizers, tools, and raising pigs.

Putting aside these budget supports, the rest can be used as rations for the members for a year.

And because the Shanghe Village production team has just switched from one rice crop a year to two rice crops a year, the calculations have become increasingly complicated.

But all this was no problem in Gu Mingdong's eyes, and he soon sorted it out clearly.

Gu Jianguo looked at it and felt confused: "They all do the same accounting. If you look at the account book, it will be clear that the third uncle has done all the work in vain in the past few years."

Gu Mingdong smiled and said: "I met Secretary Ma in the town before and learned from him."

Gu Jianguo couldn't help but sigh: "Secretary Ma is a real person. Secretary Wang didn't believe me that time. He even said that he would help us deal with him on the way. You are right to have a good relationship with him."

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