Chapter 33 Brother and Sister

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Gu Mingbei is the youngest child in the family. Originally, the youngest should be favored, but her father passed away not long after she was born, and her mother had been in poor health and passed away after a few years.

The first few brothers and sisters lived a good life for a few days, but in Gu Simei's memory, the family was always filled with gloom.

Occasionally, gossip would spread in the village, saying that her fate was not good, and that the old Gu family had not been peaceful since she was born.

After hearing it too much, Gu Mingbei would occasionally wonder if she was not lucky enough to kill her father, then her mother, and even her sister-in-law, who was very kind to her, left.

Such an environment allowed the little girl to develop a precocious and sensible character. It also made her introverted, shy, and timid. She would rather stay at home and take care of her children than go out.

In the memory of the original owner, this sister spoke softly and never spoke loudly. This was the first time she shouted so loudly.

The twins stopped drinking sugar water and looked worriedly at the room: "Is my little aunt crying?"

Gu Mingdong was surprised when he saw her turn around and run away after shouting: "What's wrong with Xiaobei?"

Gu Sanmei also looked surprised: "I don't know either. I asked her last night and Xiaobei said she couldn't think of what she would do in the future."

Gu's second brother was very nervous and said, "I can't think of anything I can't think of. Why is she angry?"

He thought about it and was scolded by his elder brother for saying it. Is he angry?

Gu Mingdong gave him a helpless look and said, "I'll go take a look. You can help Xiao Xi marinate the meat."

Walking to the door of the room, Gu Mingdong coughed: "Xiao Bei, big brother is coming in."

There was a sound of €€€€ and Gu Mingdong walked in.

The sisters' room was not small, and it was neatly tidied. Gu Mingbei was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes red.

Before Gu Mingdong could speak, she said sheepishly: "Brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken so loudly just now. Did I scare Ah Xing and Ah Chen?"

Gu Mingdong sighed due to his soft character.

"They are very bold and they can't be easily frightened."

He pulled up a stool and sat across from his fourth sister, then asked, "Why don't you want to study?"

In the memory of the original owner, among the four siblings, Gu Mingbei was the one who studied the most, and he obviously liked reading.

Gu Mingbei pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Are you afraid that your family will have no money?" Gu Mingdong thought of a possibility.

"Since eldest brother has asked you to study, he will definitely be able to solve the tuition problem. Doesn't eldest brother's performance over the past year reassure you?"

Although Gu Mingdong didn't tell his two younger sisters about making money by hunting and reselling, he brought back so many things one after another, so the family could naturally guess some of them.

"It's not just you. If the second and third children are willing, the eldest brother will also send them to study together. If you don't want to get into college, it's always better to have a higher education."

Although the turmoil was about to start, basic education would not be greatly affected. Given the background of their family, there was no need to worry. Gu Mingdong could not let his brothers and sisters wait for ten years and waste these ten years.

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