Chapter 23 Mysterious Discovery

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"Brother? Brother..." Gu Mingnan was restless. He wandered around for a while and then ran back after inquiring about the news.

But I saw Gu Mingdong's eyes were distracted, looking absent-minded, and his eyes glanced at the iron box on the car board from time to time.

Second brother Gu raised his voice: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Mingdong suddenly came back to his senses and covered it up: "It's okay, I got up too early, I'm a little tired."

When the second brother Gu heard this, he also said: "Isn't it true? We made trouble most of the night last night and got up early today to pay the public rations. Now everyone is hungry and tired."

After speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "Brother, have you heard that the brigade next door is in dire straits this time."

"The captain of the brigade heard about it and said that everyone doesn't have enough to eat this year. The harvest was originally not good. There was a heavy rain last night. The rice of the nearby brigade has not been cut yet. I'm afraid it will rot in the ground."

Last night's heavy rainstorm came unexpectedly, but luckily those who had already finished harvesting were piled inside the house desperately, so that they could at least recover the losses.

But the rice in the field was already mature. After the heavy rain, all the rice stalks were broken, and some of the rice sprouted overnight.

Normally, Wrong Old Liu likes to watch the nearby captain get into trouble, but this time after hearing about it, his face remained gloomy.

They are all farmers who depend on the land for their livelihood. They were hit by a disaster last year and managed to survive the autumn harvest again, but this happened again.

The old Liu couldn't help but muttered: "Jianguo, what do you think their brigade thinks? Why don't they know how to cut the rice earlier?"

Gu Jianguo said helplessly: "I just want to hold on and get more harvest."

"That's's strange to say that the rice in our brigade is growing particularly well this year and it matures early."

"Thankfully we harvested it early, otherwise our production team would be the one crying right now."

Gu Jianguo couldn't help but praise his nephew: "This is all the credit of Adong. If he hadn't shot a big wild boar and let the big guy eat the meat, he wouldn't have the strength to work."

When Lao Liu heard this, he nodded and thought so.

By a strange combination of circumstances, they were close to the truth. Without Gu Mingdong, the grain output of the Dahe Village production team would never have reached the level of a bumper harvest, and it would have been impossible to avoid this heavy rain.

Back at the brigade, the old Liu hurriedly gathered the food to distribute it. He was afraid that something would happen if he kept it for a long time.

As the commune members came back, news came about that the nearby brigade had suffered a disaster. The Dahe Village brigade felt happy but also annoyed at the same time. The scene of distributing food became less lively for a while.

Gu Mingdong was so distracted that he didn't say a word when he took his younger brother to take away his share of food.

After returning home and putting the grain bags in the kitchen, Gu Mingdong stood up and said, "I have something to do when I go out. You can finish your meal yourself without waiting for me."

"Hey, brother?" Gu Erdi subconsciously wanted to follow, but Gu Mingdong was very fast this time and threw him away in a few seconds.

When Gu Mingdong is not willing to take him, Gu Erdi will never be able to catch up. He has already understood this.

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