"Something wrong?" I ask Elijah, who has a small frown on his face.

"You've been here since you turned?" he asks me.

"Yes, Klaus has been helping me adapt" I tell him.

"Why not have Caroline help?" he asks.

"Klaus turned me, he said it's his duty and honour to help me" I tell him. "He has really been there for me and Grayson. If not for him, I probably would have killed someone" I state. "I should go get ready for the ball" I tell him.

"Save me a dance?" he asks.

"Of course" I tell him. I take my dress and go to my room. I put Grayson in his play pen and have a shower and shave. I dry off and do brush my teeth. There's a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I ask.

"Rebekah" she says.

"Enter" I tell her. I see her in a silk robe too. "What can I help you with?" I ask her.

"Nik suggested we get ready together" she states.

"Really? Well then lets get started" I tell her. She smiles and we start to help each other get ready. Once our hair and makeup were done. She left to go get into her dress. While I get into mine and step into my heels. I try the reach the zipper but can't. There's a knock on the door.

"It's me love" Klaus says.

"Enter" I say. He does so with Kimberly. "Can you sip me up?" I ask him. He nods his head and does so.

"You look breathtaking love" he tells me and I smile.

"Thank you, you look handsome" I tell him. He looks good in a suit. "Kimberly, Grayson has had his dinner. He goes to bed in a couple of hours. Everything you should need is in the bag" I tell her.

"Of course Mira, have fun tonight" she tells me with a smile.

"Shall we?" Klaus asks offering me his arm. I smile accepting it. We leave the room and head downstairs. To see the ball has already began. I see Elena with the Salvatores.

"Can you get me a drink?" I ask Klaus and he nods. I take a deep breath and approach the trio. "Elena you look lovely" I state.

"Mira, how are you? Are you doing ok?" she asks me.

"I'm fine, Klaus has helped me a lot with adapting" I tell her. "Damon, you look dashing" I tell him.

"Why thank you Mira. I must say your look stunning tonight" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say. I spot Caroline. "I gotta go, enjoy the ball" I tell them. And leave. I reach Caroline the same time as Klaus.

"Good evening" he says to her.

"I need a drink" she states.

"Good thing he has two in his hands" I tell her with a smile taking them. I offer her one and she takes it. "How are you dealing with everything?" I ask her.

"As well as one can expect" she states. "Mum is drowning herself in work" she adds.

"I'm sure things will settle down soon" I assure her.

"Excuse me loves" Klaus tells us and goes to join his siblings on the staircase. We watch them with the other guests. As Elijah calls everyones attention.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance" Elijah states. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom" he instructs. Everyone starts to pair up. He approaches Caroline and I with Klaus.

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