Studying with Jeremy

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Mira's POV

I was sleeping quiet soundly for the first time in ages. When I was rudely awaken. "Mira" Stefan says shaking me gently. I look at the time and groan.

"Seriously Stefan it's six in the morning and I no longer have school. This had better be important" I grumble.

"Elena is missing" he states and I frown.

"What do you mean she's missing?" I ask him.

"We were together last night, we had finally gotten together. I went to the bathroom and came back to the bedroom. And she was gone, she left this on my bedside table" he explains showing me her vervain necklace. "I've tried calling her, but no answer" he states.

"Elena wouldn't just leave for no reason, what are you leaving out?" I ask him. He sighs and takes out an old photo, handing it to me. I gasp it was a photo of a girl that looks exactly like Elena and I. Except the writing under the photo said Katherine 1864. "Why did you never tell us? Tell Elena?" I demand glaring at him.

"I admit, your resemblance drew me in. But neither of you are her and I love Elena for who she is. Not because she looks like Katherine" he states. I rub my head and sigh. I grab my phone and call Elena. It went straight to voicemail.

"Elena, it's your twin Mira. Please call me back when you get this" I say and hang up. "You had better find my sister" I tell Stefan as I lay back down.

"What about you?" he asks me.

"I'm nearly thirty one weeks pregnant Stefan and I promised Jeremy to help him do research for his history report. Right now, I am going back to sleep" I tell him. He nods and left.

(Time skip)

Jeremy and I are at the library to get some books for his essay. He's chosen to focus on Mystic Falls, the Civil War era. After reading Jonathan Gilbert's journal. My phone start to vibrate and I see it's Elena. "Go ahead, I'll catch up" I tell Jeremy. He nods and enters the library as I answer my phone. "Elena, are you ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I mean I'm sure the car is totaled. But I'm ok" she states.

"What? You were in an accident?" I ask freaked.

"Breath Mira" she tells me. "In and out" she says and I do so. "Yes I was, but I'm ok" she assures me.

"Where are you?" I ask her.

"Georgia, I'll be home as so as possible. I'm just taking a break" she tells me. "You won't believe what I found out last night" she states.

"That we look exactly like Katherine?" I ask. "Yeah, Stefan told me at six in the morning when he couldn't reach you. He's worried about you" I tell her.

"I promise to be back soon, just don't tell Jenna about the accident or me being in Georgia. I'll come up with something to tell her. And we'll talk when I get back" she tells me.

"Ok, becareful" I tell her. "I love you" I add.

"I love you to, don't have my nephew while I'm gone" she jokes. I giggle.

"I have a good nine weeks" I remind her. "Talk later, I'm helping Jeremy with his history essay for Mr Saltzman" I tell her. She says goodbye and we hang up. I enter the library and find Jeremy in the right section with a girl. "Good you found the right section, who's your new friend Jeremy?" I ask and the girl looks at me surprised. I just smile warmly.

"Mira, this is Anna she helped me find the right section. Anna, my older sister Mira" Jeremy states.

"Thanks for helping my baby brother" I say holding a hand out.

"It was my pleasure" she says shaking it. "So, what's your topic?" she asks Jeremy. As I start to pick out some books.

"The town's fear and hysteria surrounding the war and how it influenced certain writers of the time" Jeremy states.

"You might want to focus that" Anna and I tell him. We both smile at each other.

"The origin of local folklore and myths" Jeremy tells us. I freeze surprised.

"You mean, the vampires?" Anna asks with a smile.

"Yeah, well our ancestor was crazy" I state as I hand Jeremy the books I had chosen.

"You're kidding me, right? There's no such thing as vampires" Jeremy tells her. Oh, if only that were true.

"Well, there's not a lot of documentation, but the stories have been told since the Civil War. My granddad used to tell me all these creepy stories when I was little. And he said that his granddad told them to him" Anna tells him.

"Yeah, that would be folklore. Vampires are a metaphor for the demons of the day!" Jeremy states.

"Which are?" Anna asks him.

"The union soldiers! I've read the stories myself. They talk about the enemy, the demons that attack at night" Jeremy explains.

"That sounds like vampires to me" Anna tells him.

"Allegorical vampires. Which is what it is. Creative expression during a very volatile time. I mean, a country at war doesn't want realism. They want fantasy. Thus, vampire fiction" Jeremy states.

"Man, you're smart. I gotta give it to you; when I first saw you, I missed it" Anna says with a smile.

"Yeah. I've had a rough go of it lately, but I'm just now getting back to my old self" Jeremy admits.

"And I couldn't be happier, especially with my little one on the way" I state.

"Right, you're pregnant. Know what you're having?" Anna asks me curious.

"A boy, due in a little over nine weeks" I tell her with a smile.

"Well, good luck on your paper and your baby. I gotta get home" she tells us. "You know, my great grandfather actually showed me a journal once of an ancestor, and he had written all of this creepy stuff about vampires. It was actually really believable" she adds.

"Wait, a journal?" Jeremy asks intrigued.

"Yeah, why?" she asks him.

"Are you sure you have to go?" he asks her.

"Could be fun, a study session with new friends" I tell her. She agrees to stay. I sit down and let them get the books. I can tell my brother is smitten.

(Time skip)

So after the study session. I was hungry, so we all headed to the grill. I order myself some food and water. While Jeremy and Anna claimed a pool table. And started to play together. Anna left and I went home with Jeremy calling it a night. The next day Elena returned and told me how we're adopted. Which sucks. Anyway Jeremy left for the library without me and I didn't feel like leaving Elena's room. While we both try to absorb the truth of us being adopted.


Picture above of Jeremy studying on library floor.

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