John's Return

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Mira's POV

So today I've decided to go for a jog to help build up my original endurance level. Matt agreed to watch Grayson while I do so. I head downstairs holding a wide awake and feed Grayson. " I'm Elena and Mira's biological father. There, now you know" I hear John say and I freeze on the stairs. I watch him leave the house as Jenna demands an explanation from Elena.

"What's John doing here?" I demand as I enter the kitchen.

"I'll explain later" Elena whispers. "I'm really sorry we didn't tell you sooner Jenna and that you found out from John of all people. But know neither Mira or myself are thrilled about him being here" she states.

"See you decided to have your hair up today" I state.

"Yeah, hope that's ok" she says.

"It's fine" I assure her. "Anyway Jenna, didn't you have a presentation?" I ask. She looks at the time and curses. She grabs an apple and left the house. "Explain" I tell Elena.

"When Stefan went to look for Isobel, he got John instead" she states.

"Great, just what we need more drama" I grumble.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't want to see him" she says.

"I'll get over it, anyone I need to drop Grayson off. Then I am going for a jog, so it's up to you to make sure Damon doesn't kill John" I tell her. Before leaving the house. I dropped Grayson off and jogged for half an hour. Before returning to Matt's house, catch up with him.

"So how are you and Tyler?" he asks.

"Nothing is going on with him and I" I state as I nurse Grayson under a blanket.

"I thought you guys were getting close" he says confused.

"We were until he decided to kiss another girl when I refused to kiss him" I grumble. "I'd rather not talk about it" I tell him.

"Ok" he says. "You know Caroline has been acting weird, one moment she seems to like me and the next she is pushing me away" he states.

"Guess we both aren't having luck in that department" I state. As I burp Grayson, then cover myself up. "John is back in town" I add.

"Oh, are you ok?" he asks me.

"I don't know, things are crazy right now" I tell him. "Anyway, don't you have work?" I ask. He looks at the time and curses. I say goodbye and leave with Grayson. I decide to explore town and I am soon joined my John. "What do you want?" I ask him.

"I heard Grayson was sick recently, is he ok?" he asks.

"He had the chicken pox and he is all better" I state.

"I won't let anything happen to either of you" he tells me.

"Thanks John, but it's Grayson that needs protection. Not me, I can handle myself" I tell him. "I know you were brought here to help protect Elena and I. But please promise me something" I say.

"Anything" he tells me.

"I want no more lies from you" I tell him.

"I promise, I'll tell you the whole truth. No secrets" he assures me. "Anyway, I'm on my way to the grill. Care to join me?" he asks me.

"No thanks John, I need to take Grayson home for his nap" I state. "Try not to cause any trouble" I tell him. Before returning home with Grayson. I put him down for his nap. When I return downstairs I see Jeremy and Bonnie.

"Where's my godson?" Bonnie asks.

"Napping" I tell her. "How have you mornings been?" I ask as I head to the kitchen.

"Boring, heard John told Jenna about him being your's and Elena's birth dad" Jeremy states.

"How are you feeling with him back?" Bonnie asks me.

"I don't know what to feel really, he is trying. But seems to cause trouble wherever he goes" I state. "Have you spoke to the Martins?" I ask Bonnie.

"Jonas spoke to me earlier, just more lies" she grumbles.

"What's on the menu?" Jeremy asks.

"Mac and cheese" I answer.

"I'll get the bread" Jeremy states. While Bonnie sets the table. Lunch is ready half an hour later and I serve it. Before we can dig in Grayson wakes.

"I got it" Bonnie says and goes to get him.

"So how are things with you and Bonnie? I know you have a crush on her" I state.

"Shush" he says. "She liked Luka, but I am sure that's over. I don't want to push things" he states.

"Well I approve" I tell him and he smiles. Bonnie appears and she places Grayson in his bouncer. We then all enjoy lunch. Before I fed Grayson in the living room while the other two deal with the dishes.

"Heard from Caroline today?" Bonnie asks me as she joins me.

"Nope" I state as I burp Grayson. "Probably with Matt or Tyler" I say.

"Guess you haven't spoken to her about Tyler yet or to Tyler about her" she states.

"I won't be someones second choice Bonnie, besides Grayson is my top priority" I tell her. "Can we talk about something else?" I ask as Jeremy joins us.

"Sure, what movie to watch?" he asks. Bonnie picks and we watch it. Afterwards she went home and Grayson had another nap. While Jeremy goes upstairs to do homework. I watch Grayson sleep and Elijah appears.

"Do what do I oh the pleasure Elijah?" I ask.

"Just doing my rounds, making sure you and Elena aren't doing anything reckless" he states. Just then my phone rings.

"Speak of the devil" I say showing my phone to Elijah. "Hey Elena, what's up?" I ask her.

"Caroline has been kidnapped by werewolves. Damon said to let him and Stefan handle it. But who knows how many wolves there are" she rants.

"Don't worry Elena, I have an idea" I assure her. "Come home" I tell her and hang up. "Elijah please send your warlock to see Caroline and our friends" I plead.

"Of course, I gave my word" he states and left. Elena returns and I told her that Elijah was sending his warlock. Later Stefan appeared and told us Caroline is home safe. But asked for mine and Elena's help. We'd have a sleep over at Care's house with her and Bonnie. I roped Jeremy into baby sitting Grayson for the night and promised to be back tomorrow.


Picture above of Elena and Mira.

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