Elena's Double Date

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Mira's POV

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Mira's POV

So it's been ten days since the bachelor auction and I am now 37 weeks. I've had a bad feeling, like something bad is going to happen. I pray I am wrong and it's just my pregnancy throwing my instincts out of whack. I could also be nervous above the birth, which is a week away. If Sheila was right.

I decide to check on Jeremy and see him on the computer. I knock on the door and he shuts the window he had opened. "You ok Jer?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just doing homework" he states.

"Ok, don't study to hard" I tell him.

"Hi, do you believe in vampires?" he asks me.

"I guess anything is possible, why?" I ask him.

"Just curious" he states. "Hey, you never did tell me the name of my future nephew" he says changing the subject.

"Grayson Matt Gilbert-Donovan" I say with a smile rubbing y swollen belly. He smiles.

"Dad would be honoured" he tells me.

"I hope he and mum aren't disappointed in me being seventeen & pregnant" I admit.

"They love you Mira and they would of loved little Grayson" he tells me. He hugs me. "When are you due again?" he asks.

"Three weeks, but I have a feeling he'll be early" I tell him.

"Well at least everything is prepared" he states. "You have a hospital bag ready right?" he asks.

"Two, one here and one in Matt's car encase I'm with him" I state.

"Does his mum know?" he asks me.

"Nope and I don't want her to know either" I tell him. "Anyway, I'll let you continue on with your homework" I state. I go downstairs for a snack. As I was getting a snack Elena and Stefan arrive.

"Meet you upstairs" he tells her and left.

"Hi Elena, how was school?" I ask her.

"It was good, Stefan and I have a double date" she states.

"Oh, let me guess Caroline and Matt?" I ask her. She nods her head with a smile. "Well have fun and tell the other two I said hello" I tell her. She smiles and hugs me before going upstairs. I have a snack and feel tired. So I lay on the couch and decide to have a nap. I soon doze off.

(Time skip) Third Persons POV

Elena and Stefan had left for their double date. They saw Mira on the couch and Stefan took her upstairs to her room. Tucking her into bed, so that she'd be more comfortable. Before leaving with Elena. Jeremy stayed home doing more research on vampires. Until he hears a knock at the door and he goes to answer it. He smiles at his sleeping sister before heading downstairs.

"Anna" he says surprised.

"Surprised?" she asks with a smile.

"I thought you and your mom were leaving town" he states.

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