Shared Birthday

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Mira's POV

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Mira's POV

So it's been a crazy summer. I no longer have my hair up. I got a blue streak through it. Caroline says my fashion sense has improved. Gray has grown a lot. He is now 22 weeks old. So five and half months old. He is already trying to crawl, can make many sounds, he supports his own head and likes shiny things. He started teething a couple of weeks ago, which is affecting his ability to sleep through the night. But otherwise he is doing well.

You probably wondering how I am. Well I am now dating Matt. It's pretty new, it's only been three weeks. Where as Tyler and Caroline have been together nearly eight weeks. My family was surprised when I started dating Matt, so was I. I just hope I'm not a rebound from Caroline. So we are taking things slow.

Anyway, Elena has been trying to find Stefan all summer. With the help of Liz, Ric and Damon. But with little luck. Otherwise, she has been developing a close friendship with Damon. Jeremy on the other hand is single. He works at the grill now, Matt got him a job there.

But enough about the past. Lets focus on the present. Today is mine and Elena's eighteen birthday. Caroline is throwing us a party. We've told her to keep is small, but I know she won't.

Elena and I are getting ready upstairs. While Gray is at Liz's for the night. As I am sure there will be alcohol tonight. I do not want my son around that. Liz knows about the supernatural again. But is still friends with Damon and is closer to Caroline then ever. She is keeping our secret.

"Earth to Mira" Elena says. I look at her. "Happy Birthday" she says.

"Thanks, happy birthday to you also" I tell her. "I still can't believe we're eighteen" I add I look at us in the mirror. Elena nods her head in agreement. As Damon enters the room.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna lose it. At least not before the cake" Elena assures him.

"I bet she will" I add and she pushes me gently.

"It's your girls party, you can cry if you want to. You both can" Damon tells us. "Ah, Stefan. Such a pack rat" he says. He walks over to the table and picks up a picture of Elena and Stefan. He puts it down and looks at Elena.

"I got you both something" he adds. Elena gives him a look, she didn't want presents this year. "I know I promised not to buy you anything so don't worry. I didn't pay for it. Or Mira's" he assures her.

"You stole them?" we ask.

"No" he says handing me a small box and holding the other out to Elena. "Found them" he states. I open it and gasp, trying not to cry.

"My locket, I thought I lost it the night of the sacrifice" I state.

"My necklace. I thought I'd never see it again" Elena states.

"Alaric found them in his loft, thought you both would be happy to have them back" he states.

"We are happy" Elena assures him.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now