Life for a Life

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Mira's POV

I sit silently in my rong of fire as we wait to be sacrificed. Praying the elixir works, and I'll be able to see my boy grow up. Regretting that I didn't get to tell I love him one last time. "I love you, Greyson," I say lowly. As I hear the wolf groan in pain again. A spell had been placed on her to slow down her transformation.

"Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed, " Elena tells her.

"Save your breath, Elena, she won't listen," I tell her.

"She's right, my duty is to Klaus! The new order," Greta states. I scoff as I look up at the clear sky.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner," Klaus states as he finally joins us. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" He asks, and I roll my eyes. "I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it, " he says, handing it to Greta. She looks up at the moon and says it's time.

"Remember everything you need to do?" Greta asks him.

"I remember," he assures her. He heads over to Jules first. Makes sense. He was born a wolf and has to sacrifice a wolf first. Then he'll have to kill Jenna, then Elena and I.

The ring of fire around Jules disperses. Jules' eyes turn yellow, and she uses her werewolf speed to rush at Klaus. Alas, Klaus gets the upper hand and pins Jules to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart. Jules takes a final breath, tears streaming down her face, and dies. Klaus breathes heavily as he holds the bloody heart in his hands. Elena and Jenna look on, horrified. As I try not to puke.

Greta continues chanting a spell while Klaus holds Jules' heart over the ceremonial bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames. "Does that mean it's working?" Klaus asks her.

"It's working," she tells him with a smile. She continues to chant as he slowly makes his way to Jenna.

"Jenna, thank you for everything. For supporting me when I became pregnant, to helping raise Greyson all these months. Know that we both love you, " I tell her.

"I'm so proud of you, Mira. I could have never raised a baby at your age. I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you, " she says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry we couldn't protect you," I tell her as Klaus reaches her.

"Let her go. I understand that Mira and I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena cries. She walks closer to the flames, causing them to flare up. She retreats.

"Careful," Klaus tells her.

"Elena, don't " Jenna tells her.

"No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy and Greyson without a family" Elena cries. "I followed your rules; I did everything that you asked. I didn't run, nor did Mira. Please" she pleads.

"Well, well" Klaus says looking over our shoulders. We follow his gaze to see Stefan on a cliff looking down on us. "I don't recall you being on the guest list" he states.

"I'm here to talk" Stefan tells him. Klaus looks at Jenna, briefly, then vamp-speeds up to the top of the cliff and walks calmly towards Stefan. They begin to talk and Elena had Jenna eavesdrop. Apparently Stefan was offering himself to be sacrificed in place of Jenna.

Both come down and join us. "Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish" Klaus states.

"Stefan, " Elena says, sadly.

"It's okay" Stefan assures her.

"Well, who's it going to be, Elena?" Klaus asks. As he points a stake between Jenna and Stefan. Elena refuses to choose and Klaus snaps Stefan's neck. "Whenever you're ready, Greta" he states.

Greta begins chanting the next part of the spell which dispels the ring of fire surrounding Jenna. Jenna looks on, frightened. Elena, teary-eyed, watches on. As I look up at the sky again, covering my ears humminga lullaby I always song to Greyson. I can't watch or hear my aunt and twin die.

I only focus on the present again when the fire around me disappears. I look up as Elena approaches me. She offers me her hand. "Together " she says.

"Always" I say accepting it and she helps me to my feet. We walk over to Greta. Once we reach her side. I look up at the sky again, while Elena looks down at our aunt's body. Klaus makes her look at him.

"Thank you, Elena, Mira" he says.

"Go to hell" Elena sneers.

"Keep your word" I tell him. He drains Elena first, before coming to me. "I hope this was worth it Klaus. You will kill four people and rip a mother from her baby. You have ruined many lives tonight, simply to lift a curse you have lived with for a thousand years. I hope this was worth it" I state.

Third persons POV

Klaus sinks his fangs into Mira's neck and starts to drain her of her blood. He holds Mira tightly as his eyes starts to sprout more veins. Mira's eyelids flutter and her eyes roll into the back of her head and she dies. Klaus releases her and she falls to the ground. Landing beside Elena.

Blood drips from Klaus' mouth and the flame in the bowl is extinguished. As Mira's and Elena's bodies lays lifeless. Stefan stares at them, sadly, and lowers his head to the ground. Klaus breathes heavily and walks down the stone steps. "I can feel it. It's happening" Klaus states.

(Witch house)

Jeremy holds a crying Greyson as he reads his ancestors old journal. "Did you read all this?" Jeremy asks John.

"I did" John answers as he looks up from the letter he is writing.

"So you understand what happened to the child's mother after the baby was brought back to life?" Jeremy asks him.

"She saved her daughter. She found peace" John states as he seals the completed letter. "I need you to give this to Elena and Mira for me. And also this to Mira" he says. Handing the letter and his ring to Jeremy.

"Oh, hey, what's going on?" Ric asks.

"Take care of each other and this little boy" John says stroking Greyson head. As he continues to whimper. A door upstairs opens. Jeremy and Ric race upstairs with Greyson still in Jeremy's arms. As Damon lays Elena on the couch. Ric grabs Mira and does the same with her on the other couch.

"How are, they?" Jeremy asks as he rests Greyson on Mira. It calmed him.

"I don't know yet" Damon answers.  Ric finds out that Jenna didn't make it. Behind them, John comes up from the basement and walks out the front door into the yard. Alaric walks away from the doorway and into a secluded area of the house. Outside, John looks back in the house.

Suddenly, Elena gasps back to life. Damon and Jeremy both breathe a sigh of relief. John watches the scene unfold from outside. He seems at peace, as he looks out into the woods, he shuts his eyes, and falls to the ground, dead.

"Where's Mira?" Elena asks them.

"She hasn't woken up yet" Jeremy says, sadly. Elena rushes over to her twin grabbing her hand.

"You can't leave me Mira, you can't leave Greyson without a mother. Please cone back to us" Elena cries. Jeremy kneels beside her, hugging her. As they both pray for Mira to return to them.



Picture above of the quarry.

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