Vampires Are Real

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(September 25th 2009) Mira's POV

School was boring and Stefan seems to have disappeared on Elena. And Caroline has broken up with Damon, who was apparently abusing her according to Elena. I won't believe it until I see the wounds myself. Besides that Caroline I know, would never let a guy push her around. I'm going shopping with her tomorrow and I will find out the truth.

But right now I am at the station to see Liz. "Can I a help you?" a deputy asks me.

"I'm here to see the sheriff, she is expecting me" I tell him.

"Name?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"Mira Gilbert" I tell him.

"Wait here" he says and went to Liz's office. Honestly, no consideration. Liz appears with a smile.

"Come in Mira, sorry about Deputy Jess. He is new" she tells me. She leads me into her office and Deputy Jess returned to his desk. She shuts the door behind her. "Tea, coffee?" she asks.

"Any hot chocolate?" I ask and she nods her head. Making me a cup. Then hands it to me. "So, do they exist?" I ask her in a low voice.

"Do you really want to know?" she asks me. "I don't want you to be scared or stressed. It's not healthy for one in your condition" she states.

"I'll be more worried and stressed no knowing" I tell her.

"They exist and there maybe one in town. But we're hunting it down" she tells me. "We won't let anyone else get hurt" she assures me.

"Anything I can do?" I ask.

"Just always wear that necklace, it'll keep them from mind controlling you. The herb in it, is poisonous to them. Also never invite a stranger into your house, you are safe. Vampires have to be invited in" she explains.

"How do you know all this?" I ask her.

"Journals, it's all written in the family journals of the founding families. If you find yours, it'll tell you everything we know about vampires" she tells me. "If  you want to help after the baby is born. When you turn eighteen, you can join the council. We ensure the town is protected from vampires and no one finds out they exist" she states.

"I will, I want to do what I can to protect my family" I tell her. "Can you get me more of the herb, I want to give some to all my family" I state.

"We're getting an order from Zach soon. I'll get you some" she tells me. "So what made you ask?" she asks me.

"Just a feeling" I tell her. I can't tell her about the Salvatores without proof. But how do I get proof? I'll have to be careful. I'd try and grill Stefan for information. He doesn't seem as dangerous as Damon.

"Ok, well if you suspect someone call me" she says handing me a card. "Don't go after them alone and here" she says. Handing me a can of pepper spray. "Vervain, if you find yourself cornered. Use it on them and run" she tells me. I nod my head and hug her. Before leaving. I drive to the Salvatore house.

I knock and Stefan answers it. "Are you and Damon vampires?" I demand.

"You know" he says shocked.

"Are you the one hurting people?" I demand.

"No, that was Damon. But he won't hurt anyone ever again" he assures me.

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"I'll show you" he says and steps aside. I enter the house warily. He leads me to the cellar and I see a locked door. "Don't get to close, look" he says nodding to the door. I step forward and peak through the barred window. I see Damon unconscious on the floor. "I vervained him, he can't get out or hurt anyone anymore" Stefan assures me.

"What about you?" I ask him.

"I drink animal blood and only animal blood" he states.

"How can I trust you?" I ask him.

"I gave Elena a necklace with vervain in it and locked up Damon" he states. "Please don't tell Elena, I'm not ready for her to know" he tells me. "I can tell you whatever you want to know" he adds.

"Another day, I should get home. But anymore deaths Stefan and I will out you both" I tell him. He nods his head in understanding. I go home.

(September 26th 2009)

Caroline and I are out shopping. "We need to find you something for the car wash" she tells me.

"But I am so not sexy at the moment" I whine.

"That's a matter of opinion and I still think you look hot" she tells me and I laugh. "Besides, Matt will be there" she says teasingly.

"Care, not going to happen. We're just friends, who are having a baby together. Nothing romantic, ever" I tell her. "Speaking of relationships, what happened between you and Damon?" I ask her.

"We broke up, I think" she says confused. "We had a fight and he hasn't contacted me since" she states.

"Was he ever abusive?" I ask her.

"No, we got pretty kinky. But he never abused me" she assures me. "I don't really want to talk about it, lets find you an outfit for the car wash" she states.

"You're not going to let me weasel my way out of this, are you?" I ask her.

"Nope" she says and drags me into the first store. "We also need to find you cute maternity clothes" she adds. I nod my head and we star our shopping spree.

(Time skip)

"Man, my feet are so sore" I whine as Care drives me home. "Thanks for today, it was fun" I tell her.

"You're welcome and besides I needed it as much as you did" she states. "So, you and Matt aren't dating?" she asks.

"Not dating, just co-parenting" I tell her. "Besides he is like a brother to me" I state. She nods her head as we reach my house.

"Need help taking your stuff inside?" she asks.

"Looks like help just arrived" I tell her as Elena exists the house with Jenna. "See you tomorrow at school and don't stress about Damon. You're better off without him" I tell her.

"You're right" she agrees. I get out and pass my bags to the others. Thanking them for the help. We then go inside as Care left.

"So buy anything nice?" Jenna asks.

"Yep and Caroline made me buy something to wear to the Sexy suds car wash" I state.

"Sucks to be you" Elena says with a chuckle.

"You're coming to, no way are you letting me go alone" I tell her. She groans, but agrees to go. I show her and Jenna what I had brought with Caroline. Before going to put the clothes away. I then go down for dinner. Which was nice, I then called it an early night. As I was exhausted from shopping with Caroline.


Picture above of Liz.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang