Next Nine Days

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The next four episodes.

(28th February 2010 - Bad Moon Rising) Mira's POV

So Elena had shocking news for me this morning. The Lockwoods are supernatural in some way. But aren't vampires or witches. So she, Ric and Damon are going to Duke to go through Isobel's research on Mystic Falls. To see if they can find out what the Lockwoods are. She also told me about Caroline being a vampire now. Stefan is staying behind to train Caroline. Elena asked if I wanted to go to Duke and I refused.

Wanting to spend time with my son and also check on Caroline. Elena understood and I got ready for my day. I then leave the house with Grayson. I go to Care's and see Matt leave. I go sit on the front porch. "Hey Care, it's me Mira and Grayson is here too" I state.

"Hi" Care mutters from inside the house.

"You gonna have to speak up, I don't have vampire hearing" I tell her.

"How are you both?" she asks.

"We're good, I'm so sorry you have to go through this" I tell her.

"It's fine" she assures me. "I saw you with Tyler at the Carnival last night, you two looked cozy" she says teasingly. I chuckle.

"We're back to be friends" I tell her.

"Sure you don't want to be more?" she asks and I blush light.

"Seriously Care, just friends" I assure her. I get a text and smile "Speak of the devil" I say. "It's Tyler, he is throwing a party at the Lockwood swimming hole. Invited Grayson and I" I state.

"You should go" she tell me. "Show of your sexy new body" she says teasingly.

"I have worked hard to get back into shape and it would be nice to introduce Grayson to water" I state. "Good luck with Stefan, hope to see you later" I tell her. Before going home with Grayson. I get us both ready for the swimming hole.

"Mira, you made it" Tyler says with a smile. As I head over to him and Matt.

"Yep, thanks for the invite" I state.

"Surprise you brought Grayson" Matt states.

"I wanted to introduce him to water, but I guess it's a little to crowded for that" I mutter looking at the party.

"Can I interest you in a drink?" Tyler asks and I shake my head. I hand him Grayson and unbutton my shirt to reveal my red bikini. "Wow, you look great" he says smiling.

"I know right" I say smugly.

"Cocky much" he chuckles handing me Grayson.

"What's your uncle doing here?" Matt asks. I look up to see he is right.  Tyler shrugs and goes to talk to his uncle. "Have you spoken to Caroline?" he asks me.

"Spoke to her earlier. She had something to do with Bonnie and Stefan But said she'd be here" I tell him. He nods his head. "I'm gonna go look for something to eat, I didn't eat this morning" I state. He nods his head. I go in search of food.

The party wasn't to bad. Didn't into the water though. I saw Care arrive with Stefan then go into the woods with Matt. At least they are working things out. Though I did see her compel a girl. Guess she has heightened jealous issues. I'd hate to see her channel that at me.

(March 4th 2010 - Memory Lane)

Turns out the Lockwoods are werewolves. Elena told me when she got home from Duke. Then Tyler called and told me about what his uncle had told him. How Tyler has the werewolf gene, but hasn't triggered his curse yet. Apparently any death at his hands, even by an accident.  It will trigger the curse and he will turn into a werewolf every full moon. Also apparently a werewolf can kill a vampire.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now