Damon's Dying?

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Mira's POV

I was out for a couple of days. When I came to, I found out John had given his life so that Elena would wake human. They had had a funeral for John and Jenna. The others have taken good care of Grey while I was asleep. Everyone was over joyed when I woke up. I was a little disoriented at first. But my mind is clear now.

I visited Jenna and John's graves with Grey & Matt. Who is now single and knows all about the supernatural world. I'm so glad there are no more secrets. Anyway, today there is a movie playing in town square. There are banners everywhere reading: Movie in the Square Presents Gone With the Wind. Elena and I decided to go with Jeremy & Grey. Caroline will be meeting us there and we'll be having a picnic.

Anyway, Elena and Jeremy went ahead while I nursed Grey. Once, he was fed and burped. I grabbed his nappy bag and left for the town square. We arrived and I see Caroline had already arrived. "Where are Mira and Grey?" She asks my siblings.

"Right here," I state as I join them. "Someone wanted breakfast before the picnic," I tell her.

"What are we eating?" Jeremy asks  Caroline.

"Something good," Caroline answers. We help her set the food out and dig in. As Grey lays on the play mat Jeremy had laid out.

(Time skip)

We're all having fun. Grey had woken up, and I am giving him a bottle. That Caroline had heated up for me. When Stefan joins us. "Hey! Look who couldn't resist an epic romance" Elena teases.

"Will you come take a walk with me?" Stefan asks Elena. She gets up and walks away with him. As Grey finishes his bottle and I burp him. He whines.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asks me.

"He needs a nappy change " I state. Caroline gives me the nappy bag. I change Grey's nappy and Jeremy put the dirty one in the bin for me. Elena and Stefan never returned from their talk. I hope nothing bad has happened. She had sent me a text that she had gone to see Damon though. So I'm not to worried.

Bonnie had joined us and is enjoying some cuddles with her godson. "All this waiting around for news is ruining Scarlett for me" Care states. Suddenly Jeremy gets a call from Ric.

"Alaric. Hey" he says after accepting the call. "She went to go see Damon. I thought that's where you were?" Jeremy asks. He hangs up. "Damon is dying and hallucinating after Tyler bite him a few days ago. He is now on the loose looking for Elena with the police after him" he tells us.

"If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it" Bonnie tells us.

"You keep doing this. You left me behind before, and guess what Jenna still died. Mira nearly died. Now I'm going to find my other sister. You go ahead and you try to stop me" Jeremy tells her.

"I am going to go find Matt, tell him what's happening," I tell them.

"Be careful " Care tells me.

"Call as soon as you are safe" Bonnie adds.

"I will" I assure them. "Find our sister and stay alive" I tell Jeremy. He nods his head and we all go our separate ways. I arrive at Matt's house safely and he lets us in.

"So what's going on?" Matt asks as we siton the couch as he holds a sleeping Grey.

"Well turns out Tyler bite Damon that night of the sacrifice. Werewolf bites are fatal to vampires. As they die they begin to hallucinate. Damon was locked up, but escaped and is looking for Elena. Hallucinating about Katherine, while the police are hunting him down" I explain.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault. I told Caroline's mum about everything before the sacrifice. It's my fault they are after Damon " he states.

"I don't blame you Matt" I assure him. "Besides everything will work out, who knows maybe no one will die this time " I say.

"I love your optimism" he tells me.

"Someone has to be optimistic" I tell him.

"Well you and Grey are welcome to stay here until this all blows over" he tells me. "In fact, I'd be happier if I knew you both were here where it's safe" he adds.

"Thanks Matt, think I can borrow some clothes?" I ask him. He nods his head. "So dinner?" I ask.

"I haven't made anything " he admits.

"Ok, I'll make dinner. While you watch our son" I tell him and head to the kitchen. Matt didn't have much, but he had everything needed to make pizza. So I made one. As we ate dinner we reminisced about our shared history. Of when I'd make him have tea parties with me, how he'd comfort me of I had a nightmare and how much we've changed since we started high school.

Third-person POV

Mira fell asleep before they heard anything about Damon. Matt carried her to bed and tucked her in. He then got Greyson ready for bed and put him down for the night. He then decided to sleep on the couch.


Picture above of picnic.

Ok, so I have decided when to finish this book. It will finish after the final episode of season 4 episode, Graduation. This chapter was based on the final episode of season 2. So that means two more seasons worth of chapters and an Epilogue before this story ends. And it will not continue onto The Originals or Legacies.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang