Klaus' Family Missing

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Mira's POV

It's been a little over a week since I returned home with Grayson. Matt and I have been able to talk and we just friends again. I haven't heard from Klaus since the night he killed Mikael. Life has been good so far. Though I'd be lying if I said I don't miss Klaus' company, he sort of grew on me in our time away.

Anyway, Elena and I are at the grill with Bonnie. Grayson is in a high chair as Elena tells Bonnie about her morning run. "I feel like I'm going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time" she states.

"You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him" Bonnie states.

"But he also needs her to create hybrids" I remind them.

"Why hasn't he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity" Elena whines.

"Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat" Bonnie tells her.

"Guess I'm the only sane one here Grayson" I say and he babbles happily. We all smile at him. "So the same dream on repeat?" I ask Bonnie.

"Yeah! Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them. It's weird" she states.

"What if it's not just some dream? What if it's like...you know...witch dream?" Elena asks.

"Klaus has four coffins" I tell them.

"Coincidence" Bonnie tells us. "It's just stress. I'll figure it out. And what about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?" she asks changing the subject.

"He betrayed us Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone" Elena states.

"How is Damon handling it?" she asks.

"Damon, is Damon" Elena answers.

"Can we not the discuss the vampire who nearly killed me?" I ask.

"Right, sorry" Bonnie says.

"Did you really get in front of Klaus?" Elena asks me.

"Yes, Mikael was a threat to everyone. Klaus was the only one who could kill him" I state. "Besides Klaus healed me" I state.

"Only because he wants a back up encase one of us dies" she states.

"Tell me what you really think Elena" I tell her.

"Ok, I think Klaus has compelled you. Why else would you dump Matt? And defend Klaus of all people?" she asks me.

"Bonnie why don't you take Gray, Elena and I need a sister talk" I state. She takes Grayson and leaves the grill. "Elena, you dumped Matt. How is it a surprise that I'd do the same?" I ask her. "Klaus only compelled me to leave town, nothing else" I state.

"But how do you know? He could have compelled you forget him compelling you" she states.

"Can we drop this conversation, we're never gonna agree in regards to Klaus" I state. She nods her head. "Ric ditched Damon" I add.

"I'm gonna go talk to him" she states.

"Ok, I'm gonna go get my son back. Stay out of trouble" I tell her. She nods her head and I go outside to see Bonnie waiting with Grayson. "Thanks for that" I say as I take him.

"You two ok?" she asks me concerned.

"Just a normal sibling disagreement. We'll get over it soon" I assure her. "Anyway, I'm late meeting Jeremy and Tyler" I tell her. "Have a good day" I say.

"You too" she says. I leave and go to the woods. It took me a while, but I soon find Jeremy and Tyler. They are having target practice with a crossbow while drinking.

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