O4| the man with a voice.

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"I make myoozik

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"I make myoozik. It's what I do baby." — Anthony August.


I hung up the headphones and the mic, wrapping up the music

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I hung up the headphones and the mic, wrapping up the music. She playfully shoved me and asked, "Now Anthony, out of the five years we've known each other... how am I just finding out you can blow like that?"

"I make myoozik, baby, that's what I do." I pecked her cheek and wrapped my arm around her waist, having Marvin replay the track back.

I've completed several songs but never put myself out there. Making music was just a side passion of mine, producing was my gem. The performing in front of crowds and everything that came with being an artist has always been something I never wanted. I nodded my head to the track, thanked Marvin, and asked him to give us the room alone. Once he left, I sat where he once sat and started tweaking with the track a bit.

"That song is beautiful, Anthony. Are you thinking of releasing it?"

"No." I answered quickly, saving the track under my drive, before switching to the beat I made for her the other day. She sat in the swivel chair, looking at me with a curious expression. I already knew what her question was next. "Soul, it's just something I do for me. But why you late? You like an hour late. I've been waiting on you since eight this morning. Time is money, you know that." She sighed placing her purse down on the ground, leaning forward, I fixed my hands over the baseboard.

She shook her head. "I know, I'm sorry."

"It's cool. I booked for the entire day. I had a feeling you'd be late. Tell me how you like this beat." I played the music. She listened, nodding her head slowly. A smile creeped over her face. "I actually love it. I think I can even find the words for it." I smiled and nodded, allowing the music to continue to play as she pulled out her pen and paper. Being a producer, singer and writer myself it was easy for us both to mingle and get this work out there.

She hummed before stopping herself mid sentence. She ripped up the paper and tossed it in the trash behind me, I reach over and grabbed it. "Stop second guessing yourself so much. Sometimes the first line we make is the one that we should keep."

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