"He doesn't keep his door locked?" she asked as Harry closed the door and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"He does," Harry answered. "But it's spelled to always let me in. As long as I've got permission to be in here, anyway."

"That's nice. He must really trust you then."

Harry shrugged.

Evelyn smiled as she took the opposite chair and pulled her files and notebook back out. When she was settled, she looked up at him. "So how have you been, Harry? Did you have a good time over the holidays?"

"I've been good and yeah, we did." Harry sat with his hands clasped in front of him and a tight frown on his face.

"Relax, Harry," Evelyn said, taking in his body language and correctly assuming that he would rather be anywhere else. "There's no need to be nervous. We've talked before and that's all we're going to do today. Alright?"

Harry nodded but he was still far from relaxed.

"Why don't we start with the fight you got into today? It looked pretty serious. Would you like to talk about it?"

Harry shook his head. "It wasn't a big deal. Malfoy was just angry and looking for someone to take it out on."

"And does he usually take it out on you?"

"Not really. Not anymore at least."

"Are the two of you friends?" she asked curiously, already jotting something down in her notebook.

"No," he answered quickly but then seemed to think better of it. "Maybe? I don't know."

"Do you want to be friends with him?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Harry struggled to find the right words to describe how things were with Malfoy. Finally he settled for saying, "He can be a real prat, you know. But sometimes he's alright, once you get to know him."

Evelyn nodded. She looked at Harry for a moment, her hand resting on her chin as she thought. "When the three of you came back into the classroom, Professor Snape gave you a look. What did that mean?"

Harry thought back but couldn't remember what she was talking about. "What look?" he asked.

"It was just before you took your seat. He seemed to be telling you something without actually speaking, and then you nodded at him."

"Oh," Harry could feel the tips of his ears burning as he looked away from her, "that look."

"So it does mean something," she said.

Harry bit his lip and nodded. "That's his 'we're going to talk about this later,' look."

She smiled. "I see. Sounds like you're in a bit of trouble then."

"A bit, yeah."

"Are you worried about it?" Evelyn asked. "Professor Snape seems like someone who could be very angry."

"No," Harry's answer was swift. He didn't even need time to think about it. "No, I'm not worried about it because he's not like that. I told you last time."

"He's not like what, Harry?"

"Like my relatives. I know that's what you're asking but he's not. He doesn't hurt me. He never would."

"So then how do you expect that your talk with him later will go? I imagine you've been in trouble with him before today. Tell me how you think he will react."

Harry groaned and leaned his head back against the chair. "Why are you asking stuff like this? I've been with Dad for almost nine months now and nothing's ever happened."

As Potter is to SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now