"Why didn't you just bring it up?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Do I look like your owl?" Snape said sternly, causing Harry to grin wider.

"Don't insult Hedwig, Snape. You're more like a bat."

"Downstairs you cheeky brat or I might accidentally drop Mr. Weasley's letter into the fireplace."

"You wouldn't," Harry said with a laugh even as he was getting up.

Snape didn't answer but instead turned to head back downstairs. Harry called after him.

"Wait, Snape, I'm coming!" In the next instant, Harry had streaked past Snape and was on the stairs.

"Do not run," Snape said, but Harry paid him no mind. Snape rolled his eyes and followed the boy into the kitchen where the post was, though at a much slower pace.

Harry was already opening the letter when Snape got there, absently stroking Hedwig's snowy feathers as he silently read over his friend's words. When he was finished, he looked up at Snape and held the letter out for him to see.

"They've invited me to come and stay with them on the last night before we leave for Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley says I can get on the train with them and everything." Snape made no comment as he took his seat at the table and placed his napkin on his lap. "I won't be grounded anymore by then, so I can go, right?"

"Harry-" Snape started, but Harry cut him off as he pulled out his own chair and sat down, still clutching the letter tightly.

"Please, Snape. It's just one night."

Snape sighed. "Do you mind letting me get a word in edgewise?"

Harry paused. "Sorry."

"I was only going to say that if I let you go, I expect you to be on your best behavior for Molly and Arthur. You do everything they say and be polite and respectful."

"I'm always polite." Harry defended.

"Even so," Snape continued, "your best behavior, Harry. I don't want you running off alone or putting yourself in danger. Believe me, I will know."

"Okay," Harry said. "But you don't need to worry so much. I was with them in Diagon Alley last year and everything was fine."

Snape scoffed as he waved his hand, food instantly appearing on the table. "If I was told correctly, you came out at the wrong floo and ended up in Knockturn Alley, which happens to be the very place I found you in at the beginning of this summer as well."

Harry blushed. "Well, that won't happen this time."

"Harry," Snape's voice was still stern, "I mean it. You are to keep yourself safe at all times. Molly and Arthur are both exceptionally trained wizards but I don't want you making it harder on them. Keep your wand on you always."

"I promise, Snape." Harry thought Snape was being overly dramatic but he didn't mind as long as he let him go.

"Alright, then you may write to Mr. Weasley after lunch and inform him that you will arrive on the morning of the thirty-first."

Harry beamed. "Thanks, Snape! You won't regret this."

"See to it that I do not," Snape replied evenly, though inwardly, he was also glad that he had made Harry happy.


The ground felt cold and hard as Snape grappled for purchase, his fingers scraping against the dirt. His breathing was heavy, his lungs begging for air. The pain, like white-hot daggers piercing his flesh, was receding, but Snape knew it was nothing more than a momentary reprieve. They wouldn't be showing him any mercy tonight. This would be torture and then they would kill him.

As Potter is to SnapeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora