Chapter 1: The Enigmatic Tablet

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The morning dawned in Magnolia with a breathtaking display of colors streaking across the sky—a canvas of vivid oranges, pinks, and purples merging seamlessly. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and a gentle breeze carried the promise of a perfect day. Sunlight streamed through the lush greenery, casting dappled patterns on the cobblestone paths of the town. It was a day that seemed to embrace the very essence of serenity and joy.

Alzack and Bisca the couple known for their shooting skills, embarked on a mission deep into the enchanted woods, a job request to investigate mysterious disturbances reported by locals. Rumors spoke of eerie lights and mysterious whispers echoing through the woods, unsettling both the locals and passing travelers. The guild suspected it might be related to some magical anomaly, and the couple took it upon themselves to investigate. Their task was to survey the area, ensuring the safety of nearby villages while uncovering the source of these disturbances —a job that sounded routine for Fairy Tail members.

As they delved deeper into the Heartwood Forest, the air thickened with an otherworldly aura. The trees seemed to twist and contort, their trunks adorned with glowing runes that pulsed faintly, casting an eerie luminescence. Unsettling shadows danced amidst the branches, and the very atmosphere hummed with an enigmatic power.

Alzack's keen eyes caught a glimpse—a mysterious tablet with intricate hieroglyphs nestled among the roots of an ancient tree. Intrigued by this discovery, they cautiously retrieved the tablet, sensing an aura of mystery surrounding it. The glyphs etched onto its surface were unlike any language ever known to anyone.


Back in the bustling Fairy Tail guild hall, Alzack and Bisca make their way inside, the mysterious tablet held carefully between them. Young Asuka who was with Lucy, notices their return and greets them with a warm smile and hug.

Asuka: Welcome back, Mama, Papa!

Bisca: "Asuka, have you been good to Lucy and others?"

Asuka: "Yes! I had a good time with Lucy and Levy!"

Bisca turned to Lucy and Levy and thanked them.

Just then the enormous tablet caught young Asuka's attention.

In a curious tone, she asked her father, "Papa, what are you holding?"

Just as Mirajane was about to welcome them, she noticed a sturdy tablet covered in mud and dirt. Despite its worn appearance, it exuded a strong energy.

Alzack putting the tablet on the front desk: "It's a mysterious tablet we found deep in the Heartwood Forest. The locals reported strange disturbances, and this tablet was hidden among the roots of an ancient tree.....Things got peculiar there"

Now, the whole guild's attention was on the mysterious tablet. Overhearing Asuka,  Mirajane and Erza came forward and asked the same question.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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