Insomnia & Sore Legs

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Mili's lips only twitched up into a slight smile as she glanced away from the clock back to me, "I don't know, it feels like you were watching me sleep," she joked.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Actually, I was trying to not wake you," I corrected her in a matter-of-fact tone.

Mili tilted her head in observation, "You can't sleep?" she questioned, clearly wanting more of an explanation.

"Yeah," I sighed, "But you don't have to stay up. I should be back to bed in a little while," I assured her, knowing that it was really late.

And I didn't exactly expect her to stay up with me.

Mili hummed distastefully as she rubbed her tired eyes, "It's offensive that you would even offer that," she said as she sat up in the large bed, "We both know I'm not sleeping if you aren't," she pointed out.

And even if her words managed to warm my body in awe, I still gave her a skeptical look, "But I really don't want to keep you—"

"Is something bothering you? Why can't you sleep?" Mili cut my protest short as she slid over to the side of the bed I was seated on.

I pursed my lips into an awkward smile, knowing what really jolted me awake and out of my sleep.

But I didn't want to seem crazy or insane for waking up on that kind of time.

So instead I decided to settle for, "I'm just hungry."

In more ways than one.

Mili tilted her head as her dark eyes trailed my face, "That's all?" she questioned, clearly aware of the hesitant look coating my features.

And the idea of even telling her what was going on in my very much awake head managed to send a sharper ache to my most sensitive area.

I blinked a few times when my face managed to grow with a fierce heat, "Yeah, I just—my legs are also sore," I whispered breathlessly, trying to push away my sexual neediness.

Mili only hummed as her dark eyes glanced down from my eyes to my face, "You're blushing," she pointed out in observation.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek, "It's-yeah, I'm just really warm," I whispered, glancing away from her to help push the warm feeling swirling inside of me.

And having Mili's full attention alone wasn't helping matters.

I clenched my teeth as soon as my beautiful girlfriend stood from the bed—only to position herself between my legs.

"What are you doing?" I whispered when Mili reached down to one of my thighs.

Mili hummed, "You said you were sore," she pointed out as her dark eyes carefully held mine, but it wasn't hard to miss the observation in her stare.

I nodded a few times, "Yeah I am," I whispered, recalling how I couldn't even stand from the bed without feeling the intense jolts of pain.

A hum vibrated in my chest as soon as Mili's warm hands began skillfully kneading into my tense thighs.

Mili lazily raised her brows before lowering them back down, "Unless something else was bothering you?" she said, easily staring down at me with precision.

And the look coating her face felt so... insinuative.

Well, not insinuative because there wasn't anything to insinuate.

I'm so turned on right now, I'm almost considering if this is even healthy.

"Ati, baby—" Mili suddenly bent my leg up to my chest, forcing me to lay back down, "—Tell me what's bothering you," she murmured.

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