Insomnia & Sore Legs

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I furrowed my brows as I stirred from my sleep—easily tuning into the smooth silence before opening my eyes to the night darkness.

The moonlight managed to peak through the windows of the room so perfectly—I almost questioned if it was even real.

A soft sigh fell from my lips as I glanced over to the clock resting on one of Mili's nightstands.

2:47 am

My brows raised unconsciously at the late hour—Mili and I had only gone to sleep hours earlier, especially with how tired and sore I was.

But now, I somehow felt completely awake.

I drew in a deep breath, suddenly noticing the ache between my legs.

Well, okay.

I pursed my lips into a tight line as shifted my head up slightly to take in Mili's perfect face.

Her dark brows were relaxed while her eyes remained closed, which easily allowed her long lashes to fan across her soft cheeks.

I glanced down to her soft lips that seemed to be completely relaxed, basking in the way her warm arms gripped me close to her body.

It was like I was engulfed in a beautiful ball of warmness that she held me in.

I glanced away from my beautiful sleeping girlfriend, determining that a late-night snack might cure my insomnia and perhaps distract me from the ache between my legs.

Maybe it was something erotic in my dreams...

Or maybe it was because I was sleeping beside the most attractive woman who was very... talented you could say.

Mili stirred slightly as soon as I made the slightest move, which easily cued me into how light of a sleeper she was.

The last thing I wanted to do was wake her.

I gently slid her arm down the side of my body, being careful to not wake her as I slid her arm off of me completely.

Slowly—and I mean really slowly, I leaned away from her before subtly sliding away from her body.

Luckily, I was able to successfully pull out of her hold—allowing me to slide to the edge of the bed before swinging my legs over the side.

Except even the slightest move of my legs managed to send jolts of pain through them.


I quickly pressed my hand over my mouth as soon a painful whimper fell from my lips.

But the sound alone managed to cause my beautiful sleeping girlfriend to stir slightly from her sleep.

I remained eerily still as I waited for her to get settled back in the bed, easily glancing over my shoulder to take in her furrowed brows and the way she moved a few times to get comfortable.

But as soon as her hand slid across the empty bed, I knew all my work had gone down the drain.

Especially when her tired eyes fluttered open, clearly noticing my absence from her side.

Mili blinked a few times as she looked over to me, and I couldn't miss the confusion laced with amusement growing on her face.

"That's not creepy at all," Mili murmured, clearly joking with me as she glanced over at the clock.

Her voice sounded so low and raspy. It was one of the most attractive things I've ever heard.

I pursed my lips into a shy smile, "It's not how it looks," I laughed slightly.

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