Introductions & Shots

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"So this is Jaden and Jalen," she motioned to the two light-skinned guys who were obviously twins.

And almost immediately they both sent me a comforting wave and smile.

Cher motioned to the guy with dark hair and light eyes, "This is my boyfriend, Davis," she said before motioning to the brunette with wavy dark hair and dark eyes, "This is Sloan—" she introduced the woman who sent me a warm smile, "—And this is her girlfriend, Karter," she introduced the other brunette woman who had lighter eyes with her hair pulled back.

I sent everyone a friendly wave and a smile, "It's nice to meet you all," I said as Cher motioned me to sit.

Jaden quickly slid down to make enough room for me at their table where I already seemed to feel welcome.

"Hopefully Cher hasn't scared you away already," the other twin named Jalen joked.

I couldn't help but laugh when Cher gave the man a narrowed look, "That's funny because I was actually warning her about you," she said.

And before Jalen could form a rebuttal, the woman named Sloan suddenly said, "So are you from here Ana?"

Automatically I shook my head, "No, I'm actually from Florida, but I'm studying at UCLA right now," I explained.

Karter's brows raised as she leaned her head on Sloan's shoulder, "I heard UCLA is lit," she said.

I nodded a few times, knowing that I had had fun, aside from the midst of drama, "It is honestly. You have the hills parties, bars, clubs—you also have really good food and places to go outside of LA," I said, trying to explain the diversity of California as a whole.

The man named Davis nodded, "We should go over spring break," he determined.

Almost automatically, Jaden nodded, "Yeah, that would be so fucking fun," he said as he took a sip of his drink.

I smiled, "If you guys did come, we could always link up—my friends would love you guys," I said, which easily earned a few nods from Cher.

"Oh hell yes, we definitely should," Cher said.

I felt my smile grow, realizing that I was actually making friends right now.

It feels nice to know that another world exists outside of everything I built.

"So do you guys go to school too?" I asked, realizing that they looked to be around the same age as me.

Maybe they go to NYU?

Sloan nodded, "Yes, we're actually on our last year at Harvard," she said, and almost immediately my brows shot up.

"Harvard? Oh, you guys must be smart as hell," I determined as I looked around at them all.

Davis laughed as he popped some chips into his mouth, which I later realized was cool ranch Doritos—

Where did he even get those from?

"You could say that, but the twins can be a little slow sometimes," Davis joked, and it was clear that this group definitely joked with each other a lot.

Especially when the twins managed to flick Davis off openly.

Cher shook her head at their antics, "So, Ana, what brings you to New York?" she questioned.

I hummed as I took a brief sip of my drink, "UCLA has these semester trips, so I'm here to basically tour the New York Times," I explained, easily earning nods from everyone, "What about you guys? Isn't Harvard in Massachusetts?" I said, suddenly realizing where we were.

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