Rundowns & Promises

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"Hey, Ana?" Mya called from the living room, her voice growing closer to my room.

"Yes?" I said, my eyes peering up from my bright MacBook screen as Mya opened my door and walked into my room.

Mya dramatically tossed herself onto my bed, laying beside me, "So..." she trailed off. 

I laughed to myself, knowing that in the week time span that I'd known Mya, I never found her to be speechless. 

"So?" I reiterated back to her with clear amusement. 

Mya pursed her lips, sitting up on her elbows, "Cam wanted me to ask if you were single," she said, but then quickly corrected herself by saying, "If you're even into girls that is... geez I'm sorry I probably should've led with the whole 'Do you like girls' question."

I pursed my lips to hold back my smile.

Mya's nervousness was incredibly amusing—and I seriously couldn't believe Cam wanted to know if I was single.

I figured anyone dating within the friend group would be weird. But maybe not.

"Earth to Ana," Mya snapped her fingers, "You can't leave a girl hanging like this," she said, motioning to herself.

I chuckled, "Yes I'm single—and yes I'm into girls," I said.

Mya let out a dramatic breath, "Good because that would've been a really awkward moment between us if you weren't."

I shook my head, smiling, "Is it... not weird to date within the group?"

Mya furrowed her brows, letting out a deep and airy laugh, "Girl what?" she said, laughing again. "Just so you know, Marco and Willow date—and Arielle and Damon date too."

My brows unconsciously raised, surprised fully by the new information, "Really?"

"Uh yes girl—look let me give you the run down so you're not lost okay?" Mya said, sitting up completely to face me.

I nodded quickly. "Yes, I definitely need a 101 course on your friends."

Mya laughed, moving to sit directly in front of me, "Okay where should I start..." she trailed off in thought, "Oh! Okay, so I met Frankie and Damon in one of my fashion courses—since we all three major in fashion. Given that Damon was dating Arielle at the time, she got introduced to the group. You following?"

I nodded hesitantly, "Yes... I think so."

"Okay, so then Arielle—who is a biology major—brought in her classmate Marco, and Marco brought in his girlfriend, Willow. Since Willow is a political science major, and shared classes with Ryder—she later brought in Ryder," she said, slowly explaining each connection within the group.

I furrowed my brows. "What about Cam?"

Mya waved me off, "We all met Cam at one of mine, Damon, and Frankie's fashion events–since Cam is majoring in music performance, she was performing at one of the events, and we decided that we liked her vibe, so we introduced her to everyone else," she said, leaning her weight on her elbows as she smiled, "And the rest was history."

I stayed silent, realizing how connected this group really was.

It was weird to think that this group had grown through connections—something I'd never experienced back home. It was slightly intimidating to know I was the newest member.

Suddenly, Mya's phone began buzzing against the comforter of my bed, causing her to pick up the device and glance down at it.

"Ugh," she sighed, declining the call.

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