Snape drank the potion down and placed the now-empty vial on his work table. He walked around to a cauldron that was simmering over low heat. He stirred the dark blue potion clockwise seven times before he reached over and picked up the bottle of aconite and dropped its contents inside. Immediately the potion began to give off a faint, blue smoke. Nodding to himself, Snape left it to simmer for a little while more before he would stock it.

Already the headache potion was beginning to take effect and Snape could feel the pressure and tension leaving his head as he walked around his lab, tidying up a bit here and there before moving over to the desk on the far wall and sitting down in his favorite, black leather chair behind it.

Snape groaned as he glanced over the papers littering the desk. A few order forms for ingredients he needed from the apothecary, the last of the fourth year essays that still needed to be graded, and a stack of notes he had been making on various potions experiments he had been planning on working on. He had just wanted a quiet summer before the start of another dreadful school year teaching dunderheaded students. Taking in the blasted brat who lived hadn't been in the plan, but of course, he had to ruin that as well. And where did that leave Snape? Sitting here thinking about the boy while he slept soundly in his room down the hall.

No! Snape exclaimed to himself. It was not his room. He was just borrowing it for the Summer. Once school started, or perhaps even before then if Dumbledore found some other unsuspecting fool to take him in, Potter would be out of his hair and someone else's problem. Until then, Snape would take this one day at a time. One issue at a time.

First, though he was loath to admit it, Snape had a responsibility to see to it that Potter was safe and unharmed while here. And that meant getting him checked out by Madam Pomfrey to ensure that he wasn't suffering or hiding any more injuries.

Snape could have smacked himself. Of course! That was how he would 'find out' about the bruises on Potter's face. He would simply let Madam Pomfrey find them herself. He would come up with a reason that Potter would need to visit the Mediwitch for an exam. Maybe he is behind for a physical and Snape wouldn't be doing his job as guardian if he didn't insist that he have it done. Potter would likely fight him every step of the way but Snape could play that game. Potter would come willingly or else Snape would body bind the brat and levitate him all the way to the hospital wing.

Snape smiled at the mental picture of walking behind a floating Potter who could do nothing but glare back at him as they made their way down the halls, ignoring anyone who happened to see them. Minerva would be furious of course at the very idea of one of her precious lions in such a position, but Snape didn't care. It would be worth it.

He pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill and penned a note to Madam Pomfrey before calling out to Jenka once more. The small elf popped in and Snape held out the note. "Jenka, please deliver this to Madam Pomfrey for me and come back with her reply."

Jenka bowed and replied, "Yes, Master Snape. Jenka will come right back." Then, with a snap of her fingers, she disappeared.

Snape turned his attention to the essays and began grading them. He scowled as he crossed out misspelled words and made comments on the pages. Honestly, did they even try to compose an acceptable essay?


Harry had been awake for the last ten minutes, though he hadn't gotten out of bed. Not because Snape had told him not to, but just because the new bed was rather comfortable and he couldn't bring himself to leave the soft mattress or warm blankets. Instead, he stared up at the high ceiling and listened for any noise outside his room. There was nothing though. Not the slightest sound that would suggest Snape was even still here.

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