You are a monster. You ruined my didi's life. I swear I won't leave you alive.

It was Sanskar's last interaction with Kabir. And now, he was sitting just in front of him.

"Kabir! Lift up your face!" Laksh said in a cold tone.

"Look at me, now!" Sanskar shout.

There was an instant silence in the room. Kabir finally lifted his gaze. But to everyone's surprise, instead of hatred and anger, there were tears. His eyes were red. There was an unknown emotion wrapped up on his face which Sanskar could not decipher.

"Why?" Sanskar asked.

"I hate you!" Kabir replied. But for reason unknown, there was no hatred in his eyes.

"Many people hate me! Your reason is well understood too." Sanskar replied. He got up from his chair and rammed out of the room leaving everyone surprised. Everyone had expected a good session with Kabir. Though not seen by many, but everybody knew about the photographs. Everybody had an idea of his involvement in the mishap with Swara.

Laksh came running towards Sanskar and said, "I know what you are thinking!"

"He is hiding something! I know this thing well!" Said Sanskar. He silenced himself as he saw Karan approaching towards him with a winning smile.

"Sir! He has confessed. He was the one who shot Sahil sir and he was the one who attempted the attack on ma'am! Now my promotion is sure na!"

Sanskar smiled at Karan's work. The young blood was full of enthusiasm. He knew he had to explain the details to Karan too but he stopped himself right now.

"Karan! Always remember! Not every confession is a true confession." Laksh said, "But remember! These words should not be leaked to any of your colleagues."

Karan nodded. The winner smile on his face faded.

"Sir but...."

"No Karan! I know Kabir on a personal level. I know he is hiding something."

After a few tense hours, Sanskar was waiting for the analysis reports of the photograph and video. Though quite embarassing, he had to get them analysed anyhow.

"Sir! Photos are not at all morphed."

Sanskar nodded at his junior's words and looked at Laksh.

"I talked to Kabir once again. He denied to tell anything." Laksh informed, "Even bade papa himself came to him along with Shekhar papaji! But he did not reveal anything."

"Bhai! Who is the caretaker of that penthouse?" Sanskar asked.

"I have already talked to him. He said that day noone else came beside him. Though I have already taken caretaker Raman in my radar. I have secretly tagged him!"

"I wish I could remember even a single detail of that time." Sanskar sighed keeping his hand on his forehead. The guilt of Swara being dragged in his personal enmity was eating him away.

Laksh came near him and pressed his shoulder, "I suppose you should ask Swara once! Maybe she knows something!"

"You are right. But I just can't imagine how can I even start the conversation!" Sanskar replied.

Laksh smiled at him again. He said, "You need to ask her. She is your wife. You both did not do anything nonconsensual. You were deeply in love with her. You both were getting married soon. What is there to be shy off?"

Sanskar nodded again. He looked at the time. It was 6:30 in evening.

"You should be with Ragini now." Sanskar said. He did not want his brother to be away from his love in such an important time of their life.

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