Chapter 25

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A young woman who had already lost everything she held dear did not remain the way she had been in the beginning for all time. It had almost been fate that Suzume had been a descendant of Amaya.

In addition to the conflicts between the Uchiha and Senju, she had her own. Conflicts that had affected her past and her life. Due to an unknown presence that Suzume had concealed, she had become a slightly emotionless woman.

One who had sought solitude. One who no longer wanted to simply accept the death of her lover. During the nights, her Mangekyou kept coming to the surface. The ability that would decide her fate.

Because Suzume had no one she could take her eyes off. She was the last of her family and didn't know if Souma had ever had a girlfriend.

The fate that had befallen her ancestor came ever closer to the Uchiha. The eyesight that had been triggered by the nightmares disappeared. She had activated her Mangekyou too often, which she had tried to suppress at the time.

But the power within her was far too great. The legacy had taken over, while an unfamiliar voice had kept coming into her ears. It was a male voice but definitely not Izuna's. A dark shadow had hidden within her own, uttering the same words over and over again. "Kill them, kill the guilty."

Words that had reached her heart and mind and she could hear nothing else. The temptation had been too great.

Had Amaya had the same problems? Had she protected her son for that reason? The Uchiha had been self-sacrificing, just like Izuna had been. As a child, Amaya had probably been a cheerful child who had only changed because of the Sharingan and finally because of love.

Indra had not died, as had been the case with Izuna. The Otsutsuki had left Amaya and returned to her a few years later. He was survived by Takeru, the couple's son, who had been an ancestor of her grandmother.

Amaya had lost control when she tried to protect her son. Something Suzume had suppressed for years.

She had never tried to save anyone's life. How could she when she didn't even know what her heritage had been? However, Suzume did not want to have those who had been important to her on her conscience.

Despite her change, Suzume felt her old self, to which she wanted to be true. A personality that Izuna had loved back then.

And then her hand began to tremble, which had already reached for a katana lying on the ground next to her. A katana that she had taken to Izuna's grave to show him what she had done before she had lost control.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she saw her Sharingan in the reflection of the katana. She couldn't even recognize herself anymore and began to hate herself.

Izuna wouldn't approve of her condition, nor would he have been happy if someone from the village had attacked her.

"Do it..." the familiar voice that Suzume couldn't place suddenly spoke. "They all hurt you. They all contributed to you losing him. Kill, kill them."

Suzume continued to tremble. Her lip quivered as she raised the katana higher and higher and tightened her grip on the handle.

"I..." the Uchiha began and felt her eyes begin to change. Who was that voice? Why was he able to influence her so much? Did this voice come from one of the higher shinobi? To a clan that had had the powers over everything?

Her breathing quickened as Suzume continued to look at the katana. No, she would not lose her control! She wouldn't hurt anyone! Suzume wanted to protect Madara as a friend who had stood by her side!

Before the figure in her shadow could do anything, Suzume had finished what she thought made sense.

Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth as her upper body leaned forward slightly. Blood dripped onto the dark stone floor from her wound.

The katana had pierced her entire body, which had stopped trembling. Her Mangekyou Sharingan had gone out, something she had intended to do to avoid losing to that voice.

Coughing, Suzume spat the blood out of her mouth, hearing an angry voice in her ears. "You'll regret this! I will come back for you as soon as my time has come! The time of war in which I need you has not yet come!"

Unable to say anything, Suzume felt a weight lift from her. It had been a liberating feeling when this figure had left her. However, she could sense something that had come closer.

"" Suzume gasped softly as she could feel his chakra nearby. ""

Just as Suzume was forming her finger signs to finally defeat the suffering, she sensed the presence of the Uchiha. "S...Su...Suzume...?" he asked the woman covered in blood, who had been about to complete her very last finger symbol. One he had never seen before.

"Goodbye...Madara..." Suzume breathed softly as a blue chakra had begun to envelop her and her body had disintegrated into several pieces. Pieces that had risen up like a whirlwind of fire and gathered anew.

Slowly sinking to her knees, Madara looked at what had happened as the pieces gradually formed into a statue. One that had been behind his brother's grave and had held it like a guardian.

Tears flowed from Madara's eyes as he realized he had failed at a task. He hadn't been able to protect Suzume enough and now she was inside this guardian that was supposed to protect his brother.

"Brother...I...failed..." he said to Izuna, whose grave had now taken on a new aura.

At that moment, Madara had made a new decision. One that would change the fate of all shinobi. A decision that would also be influenced.

And by a figure who would soon be pulling the strings in a war.

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