Chapter 10

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Silently, Suzume prepared the food that Madara and Izuna liked. It was something that had taken a lot of time, as Madara had requested Dango's as always. Thus, the Uchiha had had enough distraction from her mother, who had been picked up after her discovery.

The conversations could be heard from afar. At least that was what Izuna had heard when he had walked through the market after training with Marada. When he had reached her house that evening, he had heard her pained cry.

It was inaudible, but he had seen it in her watery eyes when Suzume had seen it. Her heart cried out for the pain he had once felt. Back then, when his brothers and his mother had died. Unfortunately, Suzume no longer had anyone. Not like him, who had had Madara by his side.

Since that day, Suzume had withdrawn a little more. Something even Madara could understand at that moment. Although he was seen by many as a tyrant, he himself had a big heart for a family. However, he could hardly tell Suzume how much he had felt for her. After all, he had been the head of his clan.

So he had been glad that at least Izuna had been able to show so many feelings and had somehow taken care of her. What Madara had noticed, however, was the change he could feel and see in her. It had been a feeling of power, which had prompted Madara to do a little more research on Suzume.

He knew very little about her, which was why he had taken every single scroll, every single book and read about her. What he could find had only been myths and stories about the past Uchiha. A story about a powerful Uchiha in the first period of the shinobi. Amaya Uchiha, the heir to the sharingan that had only manifested in her.

Because of this, he had investigated further and kept to himself what he seemed to believe. Something he had to find out and could possibly use for her Senju.

"Suzume? Are you alright?" he heard Izuna ask when he had come to the living room with him. "Yes..." said the Uchiha, who had been caught rubbing her eyes. A sign for Madara to confirm his suspicions.

"Are you sure? If you're not feeling well, we can just go out for something to eat." Izuna said. It was a wonder he could be so nice at all. Izuna was very different in battle. Almost murderous, as Madara had often seen.

"Yes, for sure." Suzume smiled. "Dinner will be ready soon anyway." , she announced and placed the already finished meal on the table. "The Dango's have something else."

Nodding, Madara simply sat down and pulled his little brother to the table as well. He waited patiently until Suzume had finished so that he could eat with her.

"Madara... don't stare at her like that..." Izuna whispered to his brother when he noticed his gaze. However, he didn't just stare at Suzume. His eyes were fixed on her eyes, which were fixed on the boiling water.

As if in a trance, Suzume looked at herself in the boiling water, looking at her eyes. The pain had only stopped a few days ago, which is why she had rubbed her eyes several times. Suzume could feel the chakra inside her. A chakra that she would not be able to control. Something that Amaya had also struggled with before Indra had helped her.

And that's when her feelings took over. Between the hot water bubbles and the effervescence she could see, two red eyes with a black mark shone towards her. Something that had made Madara's eyes widen and definitely confirmed his suspicions.

Suzume Uchiha had inherited the Sharingan and thus the Mangekyou Sharingan from the first Uchiha who had received this ability. So Suzume Uchiha really was the descendant of Amaya Uchiha, who had been the first heiress.

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