Chapter 15

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Despite the sharingan that Izuna had activated, the Uchiha could not be moved. Before the lightning ball could reach him, an explosion sounded, which was caused by Madara's counterattack.

The latter had also used his lightning hideout and stood protectively in front of his little brother. Even if Suzume had just been more powerful, there was no way Madara would let him lose his little brother.

"Come to yourself, Suzume." Madara demanded, looking into her Mangekyou Sharingan. They narrowed slightly before she raised her arm upwards and moved her Susanoo. At that moment, her Susanoo grabbed the head, which she had lifted into the air.

Slightly questioning, Suzume put her head on one side. Her blood boiled as her chakra went crazy. A small grin crept onto her face as Susanoo grabbed her more roughly.

"Brother!" shouted Izuna, who had run closer. He could see the pain on his face, while the blood had already run out of his mouth.

"Suzume! Stop it!" he begged her and stood in front of her as best he could. "Please! I only have him as my family!"

A painful voice pierced her ears. Family? That which she had lost long ago? Her eyes looked into the reddish ones of the Uchiha, in which she could see small tears that had collected. A strange feeling formed in her heart. A feeling of loss, which she had also felt many times before.

"Stop it..." Suzume heard a voice say in her head. A voice she had never heard before. However, it seemed quite familiar to her. As if it belonged to her family.

Suddenly, Suzume could see several images in front of her. Images of a young woman who could almost be the spitting image of her. Next to her stood a little boy whose face resembled his father, who had been standing behind him.

Several faces appeared before her inner eye. Including that of her grandmother and the whole family she had lost. "Stop it..." the first woman spoke to her with a smile, who could be no one other than Amaya.

Tears formed in Suzume's eyes as she landed back in the here and now. She felt an overwhelming feeling in her heart as her chakra returned and she let go of Madara.

Slowly, Suzume sank to her knees as her Sharingan deactivated, only just realizing what she would have done. Out of control, she would have taken Izuna from the person he had loved more than anything.

Her tearful face turned to the ground, while Madara could only gasp in pain. And then, out of nowhere, Suzume felt two strong arms around her, pulling her against a warm chest.

"I'm...sorry..." the Uchiha cried against his chest, but he smiled out of relief. "It's okay...I'll protect you from now on. You won't hurt anyone else, I promise..." Izuna said to her and would do what Indra Otsutsuki had done for her lover back then.

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