Chapter 20

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"What happened?" Suzume asked as she knelt down and took his hand. "Tobirama...caught me. But...don't worry...I can handle it..." the Uchiha spoke softly, which Suzume couldn't believe.

The bandage he had been wearing showed a large wound with the blood squeezed out slightly. "His blade was soaked in poison." Madara explained immediately to prepare them for the worst.

So things were not going well for Izuna, Suzume realized. The Uchiha had not been particularly good healers. A training they had lacked and Izuna's life would now depend on it.

Nevertheless, Suzume did not want to leave his side. Since Madara had been the head, he couldn't help but take care of his duties. He hadn't even asked Suzume to accompany him since she was still a maid. No, he wanted someone who could be trusted to be with his brother.

Day by day, things were getting worse for Izuna. The poison had taken over his whole body and was giving him the pain that Suzume wanted to take away from him. She realized through the chakra that he wouldn't last much longer. A feeling that had already made her sad.

" me..." Izuna asked the young woman who couldn't hide her tears. Her head, which had been resting on his chest, rose to look into his eyes.

Slowly and carefully, Izuna placed his hand on her cheek. "You...are know that?" he said, smiling slightly, which had made Suzume cry even more.

"I...I don't...want you to leave..." breathed the Uchiha, who had taken his hand and leaned down a little more. "I...have no one left but you, Izuna. I've...lost my whole family and I can't lose you too..." Suzume cried, her whole body trembling. "I...only"

Izuna looked at her gently as he could feel all her grief. The chakra from her had supported any feeling even further, making it even harder for him. " brother..." he spoke and she looked at him tearfully.

"I...unfortunately...can't...protect you anymore..." the Uchiha began quietly. " should know...that very much, in fact, that I love you..." he said softly, causing Suzume's tears to stop for a moment.

"Izuna..." she breathed softly and squeezed her hand a little tighter around his. "How...gladly...I would call you my lover in front of everyone..." he said to her and tried to manage a grin. "'t have brother?"

As if stung by a bee, Suzume straightened up. She couldn't go to Madara without leaving Izuna. The only thing she could think of at that moment was to send someone else to him.

"Get Madara!" Suzume shouted as loud as she could, continuing to squeeze Izuna's hand tightly. "So...he' usual," Izuna smiled and tried to hold on until his brother had arrived.

"Brother!" came directly from Madara as he had dropped everything when he had been informed of his condition. Good, Suzume had asked for him, which had already told him everything.

"I'm sorry..." Izuna spoke directly. "You don't have to apologize." came directly from Madara, who had to pull himself together to keep from crying.

"I to take my eyes, brother.", Izuna asked. "You need case you get your Mangekyou."

"If that's what you want..." "Yes, I want it that way..." Izuna said seriously and felt warm tears on his hand, which made his head spin a little. "Besides...I to take care beloved..."

Madara smirked slightly when he saw Suzume's overwhelmed reaction. So this was the first time he had called her that. "She should...have a beautiful in which she...can be happy."

"Izuna I..." Suzume began and stopped. How could she be happy without him? "I understand..." she heard Madara say thoughtfully, although he had known exactly how he could do it.

Hashirama had offered it to him so many times. So many times he had sent him a peace offering. If he had accepted it, Izuna would not have been in this state.

"Dearest..." Izuna addressed the Uchiha who had looked towards him. "What's wrong?" she asked. "May...I...kiss you?"

Slightly ashamed, Suzume looked away from him. Besides her aching heart, she could feel it racing. Without further hesitation, she bent a little over his face. Hers would probably be the last one he would see.

A dark shadow caught sight of Izuna above him. A warm breath tickled his lips, which had been dried out by the poison. He automatically closed his eyes as soft lips touched his own. The incredible sensation, the tingling he could feel, made his heart beat faster for a moment.

So this was a kiss from his lover, whom he now had to leave. A kiss that he would remember forever, even if it had been possible in death.

"" Izuna breathed softly before there was no more movement from him and Suzume could do nothing but start crying again.

The old family tree Izuna FFWhere stories live. Discover now