Chapter 12- Why'd It Have To Be Him?

Start from the beginning

Around one in the morning, people begin to slowly say their goodbyes. Sakura seems completely sober when she finally addresses him completely, "Should I call you a cab? You've drank a bit." Without waiting for his response, she notices his keys in his coat pocket and points, "Or I can drive you home. I'd hate to see what'll happen if you leave a car like that on this side of town overnight."

"You don't have to do that. You're not on the clock," he mumbles, somewhere between tipsy and drunk but somehow composed for the most part.

Sakura scoffs, fishing his keys out of the pocket and gesturing for him to get ready to go, "I know. You're gonna pay for my drinks, so we'll be even, right?"

A smirk tugs at his lips. He nods, wordlessly handing a card to the bartender who'd been waiting patiently. Sasuke's feeling relaxed and warm. It's rare that he feels like this when he's drunk because he usually drinks when he's stressed or upset. This...This is kind of nice.

Ino, Sai, and Naruto are all leaving at the same time as them. The two blondes are trashed and loud, while the pale-skinned man complains about being their designated driver.

Sasuke stumbles a little when Sakura turns to say goodbye to the others, and she giggles, grabbing onto his arm to steady him while waving with her other hand, "Text me when you guys get home safe!" Inebriated cheers are returned before the duo continue their journey to the parking garage.

"If you feel wobbly or sick, just let me know," she says while looking at the screen of her phone.

Then, it's quiet and comfortable.

The man walks slightly behind his assistant, staring at the fading bruise on the back of her neck that continues beneath the cloth of her sweater where he can't see. He never noticed before, but her skin is quite fair. Maybe the darkness of the injury makes it stand out. Her frame is small, too. Now that he thinks about it, she doesn't look like most women, does she? She doesn't act like them, either. Sakura's appearance is soft and feminine, while her personality is rough and tumble.

A chuckle passes his mouth as he tries to picture this dainty person in a fight.

She looks back at him and grins amusedly, "What's so funny?"

They reach the car and she opens the passenger side door, watching as he gets inside to make sure he's not too drunk to properly buckle in. Then, she gets in the driver's seat, adjusts it so she can drive, and they're on the road toward his condo.

Again, things are silent but not awkward.

Sasuke's too tipsy to notice that he's staring again.

Minutes pass before Sakura notices. She anxiously glances his way before focusing on the road again, "I'll get nervous if you keep looking at me. Are you okay? Should I pull over so you can be sick?"

"Why are you driving me home?"

She laughs, "Because you're drunk and can't drive yourself."

"No, I mean why are you, um, driving me home?" Idiot. That's exactly the same question.

"Um, well...." Sakura shrugs, "I guess it didn't feel right to send you off alone in a cab since I'm not sure how well you handle your alcohol, and if I'm gonna go with you to make sure you get there in one piece, we might as well take your car, right?"

He doesn't say anything because he isn't sure of how to respond to that logic in his state.

The woman apparently takes it as his being annoyed because her mood seems to fall a little, "You're right. I should've considered what sober-you would want. I'm sorry. Let's just get you home for now."

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